Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to marc's message

INVHO and somewhat befunddlement...when one "analyzes"...and granted it si only THIS ONE PERSON's analization....when the statement is being made that....

"If you include those names, the number exceeds 40. Patriot has excluded those names in consideration of confidentiality obligations"

To have any ...exclusion...there first has to be a reason to be be excluded...if you get my drift. I know it sounds like double talk, but I'm reading into this...which is dangerous in itself...that they normally would been included ....but...there has been agreements of some kind for them to be excluded at this time. Obviously if that's so , the NDA has them hidden from our eyes for the duration.

More and more I am leaning towards something that is coming on down the line, whether it be the re-exam's or whatever, I am more inclined to believe that we just haven't seen the end of these J's, we're just having to wait till a specific happening occurs....could be the re-exams, could be something that is dependent on production and or sales, etc. etc. etc.

I don't want to set myself up, or anybody else for that matter, for a fall.

But their wording in the PR at the time of the settlement and ongoing differences in the Jan/Feb signings lead one to believe/hope that there is no way that the J's are not an infringer of our patents.

Logically speaking, if we had just gotten the pre-trial agreement in Texas, why would they, the BOD, put out anything other than a simple....WE GOT ZILCH...esp. when one reads the PR and the statement that they said...

'All parties are pleased with the business resolution of their dispute"

A company can't be pleased if the got "zilch"

and..."Technology Properties Limited and Patriot Scientific Corp. on Tuesday announced the settlement between the companies in which Matsushita, Toshiba, JVC, their respective subsidiaries and their European and Japanese counterparts will receive rights to use seven U.S. patents."

To receive rights ...TO USE 7 PATENTS...can't come for free, ay least in this one man's opinion.

I know, I know, lots of venting and speculation and ...assuming....and weall know what the word ...assume...does for us...but simplistically thats what I see...JMHO>

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