Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

I sent an email to Hawk and to Patriot asking about the mysterious absence of the J3's in the list of companies that have purchased and have an MMP license. The list are on on both Hawk's and Patriots web site's. Thier absence did not seem right to me and sure enough I received a reply from Ken this afternoon. His answers to my questions continues the mystery surrounding the "supposed" December settlement" of our lawsuit.

I am including my email to Hawk and Ken's response. This only adds to my confusion as it now sounds as if we did not grant, sell or give license's to Toshiba, Matsushita or JVC. There is surely a reason why Judge Ward is monitoring this case.

My email statement - your list of 39 companies fails to list Toshiba, matsushita
(panasonic) and JVC which apparently according to the 12/18 press release now are paid in full licenseess of the MMP. Why are they not on your list..

Ken's response - The list of 39 companies on our site mirrors the list found on Patriot Scientific's website.

As you have noted, the Company has excluded certain companies from this list which include the names you mention; If you include those names, the number exceeds 40. Patriot has excluded those names in consideration of confidentiality obligations.

My email statement - "..I know that there is an NDA but that
should not stop you from listing them on your license list as they are noted in the 12/18 press release regarding the settlement."

Ken's response - The confidentiality obligations are genuine and strict and the Company is acting in adherence to these obligations.

If this does not really confuse the issue nothing will.

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