Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to billwilke's message

Hi, Bill and thanks for the post. Terminating members will be part of the meeting tomorrow. We've been trying to avoid it because - as someone stated here quite correctly - many people can be shades of grey.

However, quite clearly, that is starting to work against us. As such, my thinking is we will start coming down hard and terminating those who seek to be part of the problem and not part of the solution.

As you know, we don't run advertising on the site, so we don't have any incentive to maximize page views (sacrificing quality for quantity as other sites do). As such, terminating people who are never happy with either PTSC and/or AGORACOM is going to be the new paradigm as of tomorrow.

This is the last weekend I take away from my family. The last weekend of appeasing unhappy "longs". PTSC is doing its best to create shareholder value as it sees fit. If someone thinks they can run PTSC better, we welcome you to nominate yourself and/or a slate to the board of directors at the next AGM.

What some will no longer have is the ability to continually "criticize" the company under the auspices of "I'm long but not happy with how the company is being run." Whether you sell and move on is up to you - but holding and criticizing is a matter entirely up to me.

On that note, we are doing our best to create shareholder community as we see fit. Those who don't see that today will never see that ever. As such, there is no reason for either PTSC or AGORACOM to tolerate this environment any further.

p.s. Regarding your suggestion about identifying violation reporters, we decided against that a while ago because it is one of those things that can quickly highten emotions. Thanks for the suggestion anyways.

I am done for the afternoon - but not before deleting a number of posts.


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