Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to jscala's message

Jscala, I've said this before and I'll say it again.  It is not easy monitoring the PTSC forum because the sentiment of long investors can ping-pong depending on share price, news, lack of news, etc.  As such, we have to try and strike a balance between allowing people to provide constructive criticism and making sure the rules are followed.

There is no way to be perfect in this endeavour.  However, this PTSC community is head and shoulders better than anything else on the web.  I am in awe of the incredible information posted here from some very intelligent and well-balanced people.

From this I can only conclude it has been a very positive tool for any new investors coming to it for the purposes of evaluating their investment in PTSC. They get the benefit of constructive feedback and, for the most part, powerful information.

If you are looking for a board with perfect harmony, you are never going to find it.  Not just for PTSC but for any listed company on any forum.  Read the Google forum on Google Finance, or the Yahoo forum on Yahoo Finance, or the MSFT forum on MSN Money.


Newbies to any forum are well aware and prepared to accept constructive negative comments.  In fact, they welcome them because they are necessary in helping them make their most informed investment decision possible.

On the other hand, have faith in the power of information presented here by some of our best members.  It far overshadows any constructive complaints - and newbies both see that and consider it.

We all want communities with perfect harmony but until someone can figure out how to conduct mind control through forums, most of us are happy with this environment, which gets rid of those people who obviously want to disrupt the harmony.

This is a family.  Families can get into squabbles and we can all get fed up once in a while - but at the end of the day everybody is pulling for each other and for the success of the entire group.   This forum is absolutely in that camp.  This is what keeps everyone together for the long term.




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