Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to borredo's message address this post of yours.  This has become ridiculous.

We were told at the last shareholder meeting that PTSC has some 23,000 shareholders.  Obviously, I don't know, but I would assume that, as with most other public companies, many of those shareholders hold 100, 500, 1000, or some other very small amount of shares. 

It is interesting to me, too, that a relatively small group of people apparently control a relatively large number of shares, but that certainly doesn't mean it is impossible.  You say you are not "discrediting" anyone, but merely by making that comment, you insinuate that my credibility, and that of other who support the letter, is in doubt.  I haven't spent 9 years here and/or in other PTSC forums lying to people, and I think my record speaks for itself on that   ---   however, I will further state the following.

There are approximately 160 people who have contributed to the shareholder letter. They have represented to me that they collectively control approximately 53,000,000 shares.  I believe them.  Obviously, there is no way at this point to objectively verify what they have said, but I have no reason to believe that any of them have lied   --   several people with considerably large share counts I have now been acquainted with for years, and I'm a pretty good judge of character.  If you or anyone else who is suspicious of our fellow shareholders, or my representations here on the board, wants to come to my office or my home (of if you wish to pay my expenses to fly to your location) and look through my Yahoo folder that I keep with all of the "pledges", I'll consider (not a promise, as there are privacy issues involved) such a request, as long as it is understood that you cannot "take notes" and that you will not be leaving with any copies of anything.

As a final note, I am going to tell you, and anyone else who cares to read this post, the following:   If those who have supported the letter want it to be sent, it will be sent.  Period.  Likewise, of course, anyone who wishes to withdraw support is certainly free to do so, in the same manner in which he or she contacted me in the first place.

I don't care if you and others want to continue to make posts that question or attempt to undermine the effort, or if others continue to attack me or my credibility   ---   if you and those others don't like the letter, great, don't support it.  You say you do support it, yet your posts continue to question the validity of the effort   ---   while you are surely free to do so, what is the purpose?  Again, if those who support it want it to be sent, it will be sent   ---   neither you nor any "naysayers" can prevent it.  Why do you continue to obsess about it?

Will the Company believe that only 160 people actually own 53,000,000 shares?  I don't know, and I'm really not that concerned about it, although I think Mr. Pohl has believed what has been represented along those lines in the past.  It should be obvious that the letter is informal in nature, and the Company can thus believe whatever it wishes   ---   however, to continue to demean the effort, while it is your right to do so, is pointless.

Now, I really have to get to my other appointments.  Best wishes.


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