Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to crapi's message

This is what you get when you do a search for "Patriot Scientific" on the Gartner web site. Those that believed "Business Resoluton" in the settlement meant some sort of alliance may have been correct. Unfortunately, I am not at this time registered with this site to get complete details. But it is something to bring a little hope. Not misguided I hope.

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Dataquest Insight: Semiconductor Alliances, Worldwide, 1H06
19 February 2007 Pages: 44

Marielena Oppenheimer

By Gartner's count, over 300 alliances were announced in the electronics industry in the first half of 2006, almost half of them investment deals. Companies based in the Americas were involved in 80% of the total.

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Application of Semiconductors; Business Alliances and Partnerships; Semiconductor Devices

Dataquest Insight: Semiconductor Alliances, Worldwide, 1Q07
9 January 2008 Pages: 41

Marielena Oppenheimer

This document lists alliances between companies in the electronics industry, which were made public during the first quarter of 2007. We categorize them by transaction type, geographical region, country, application segment, semiconductor device, products and service type.

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Application of Semiconductors; Business Alliances and Partnerships; Manufacturing of Semiconductors; Semiconductor Devices

Dataquest Insight: Semiconductor Alliances, Worldwide, 2H06
6 November 2007 Pages: 40

Marielena Oppenheimer

This report lists alliances between electronics companies that were made public in the second half of 2006. It describes the salient elements of each agreement and categorizes them according to several factors, including transaction type, geographical region and application segment.

Click to Browse:
Business Alliances and Partnerships; Manufacturing of Semiconductors

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