Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

If in fact PTSC is actively pursuing an acquisition(s), then it would be to the company's benefit to have a higher share price.   This should be clear to everyone as PTSC could offer shares as part of the acquisition and a $1 share is a heck of a lot more valuable than a 41 cent share.

Therefore, you've got to believe that  Turley wants the share price higher when he does an acquisition.  Also, it's clear that it's either the ambiguity of PTSC's financial situation (or those taking advantage of that ambiguity) that's keeping the share price down, OR that there are those who are in the KNOW about PTSC's financial situation and have decided to sell based on it.  I'd expect it to be the former.

Additionally, while I understand and am in no way surprised about the confidentiality agreement regarding the settlements, I WOULD BE very surprised if PTSC would have agreed to an agreement that extended to forbidding discussions about the rest of its business activities, at least for an extended period.

Therefore, JT's unwillingness to issue guidance or other communications about the rest of its business activities that would lend SUPPORT to the share price seem to me to mean one or a combination of the following:

1.  He is yet unable to due to the NDA

2.  The guidance he is able to issue will not be viewed as positive

3.  He is in the final stages of an acquisition and therefore won't jepordize that regardless of the short term effect on the share price.

4. There is more to the "business resolutions" than a license fee, and the company is currently in negotiations/arrangements to enact those provisions and therefore not in a position to discuss them.

5. The M&A activity is still not near a deal so using efforts to support the share price currently, may be wasted from the perspective that the positive effect could fade by the time an acquisition deal is nearing consumation.

6.  Turley/Flowers are in over their heads (easy now Greeneyes, I'm stating what I think are possibilities, not probabilities, lol)

7.  PTSC's business goal milestone points are later this year, and not now or in the next few months, so the company feels secure in it's financial positions and regardless of the short term effects, they are playing for business moves that will pay off and take effect in the 2nd half of '08.

8. Open to suggestions.

It just seems incongruous that a CEO that has stated he is actively pursuing M&A would allow a major bargaining chip like the value of the treasury shares to dwindle without making an attempt to support the shareprice.

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