Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

"We are ALWAYS kept in the dark and I'm been in PTSC for years. "

I probably haven't been invested in PTSC as long as you.  I've been in since the first cqlendar quarter of '06.  In the time that I've been a PTSC investor, I'd characterize your statement as false.  PTSC has discussed almost every aspect of it's business before, during and afterwards, including management strategies, licensing strategies, and dollars involved.  With the exception of the VALUE of the recent settlement, can you point to anything that PTSC has "kept us in the dark about"?

With respect to M&A, we know what's the strategy is, where in the process they are, and what they hope to accomplish and what their target time frame is.  I think you have misplaced expectations if you expect to know anything more at this stage, show me another company that has disclosed more with respect to M&A activity, and I'll stand corrected.

With respect to licensing amounts, to date, EVERY license has been disclosed in the SEC filings within months after the deal was complete if not sooner.  While some companies can disclose more and sooner, not many who have ongoing almost identical negotiations with other companies have.  Again, if you can show an example or two, I'll stand corrected.

As for Turley's "monthly" letter.  If you go back, you'll see that he actually characterizes those letters as  "semi-regular communication to you, our shareholders, partners, and interested parties. I'm aiming for once a month, but please don't lose sleep if subsequent letters don't arrive exactly on schedule."  So again, YOUR expectation/interpretation doesn't exactly jibe with what was communicated.  For Turley to come out at this point, days before a major SEC filing is due, with a non-important communication of the sort you suggest, would be poor management, IMO.  He's likely going to issue his next missive in conjunction with or after the 10Q is issued, and rightly so as at that point he'll be able to discuss substantive information, rather than hold your hand.

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