Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to patientman's message

I read this $22 Million figure being thrown around and posters stating that this will prove how strong the Patents are - and how it relates to how well we did with the J-3.  I don't think it relates as much as people are stating.  As I stated before, I'll be very surprised if the total is $20 million on Wednesday.

Well, this is the only time we have had a starting point for an MMP fee.   Sony we didn't, HP we didn't... none of them...  So this 'offer' of $22M was listed in an April 2007 Phillips SEC filing, as Jay68 provided earlier.  They licensed just before the start of the Stay... end of Oct.  So it goes to reason that if Phillips did in deed decide to license before the Stay process as a means to avoid a higher fee later, TPL/PTSC would appear to be in a position of strength.. if the licensed for less than we had initially asked for.. it would appear TPL/PTSC were not in such a position of strength... why even license.. why not wait until we are in a position of strength?  If the total for this upcoming Q is $20M, that will include $1.4M for DMP Electronics, Denso Wave & possibly APC also, Phillips and TEAC.  Remove the first 3, you have 18.6M.. remove TEAC (?) say $3M, you have Phillips paying $15-16M... or an ~25% discount from initial asking price... I personally find that semi tough to swallow... I guess they could 'ask high license lower'.. but that would not be perceived as acting from a position of strength.  Perhaps I expect too much when even knowing TPL's initial asking price....  but after waiting 7 months, having Markman in hand, battling and battling with the Js for even longer... I would be surprised if Phillips was let off for less than that $22M...  This is Phillips.. not Kenwood or Casio... $15M is nothing to sneeze at.. I just hope they didn't come down such a % in their price... '..those who decide to wait to license, will pay more...' [paraphrasing]


Yes..  the upcoming Q will be very interesting





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