Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to head22's message

Thanks for the compliment - though it may seem, that I only look at the positive sides, I see the negatives, too, but have decided to accept it, as long as I can understand the situation (or find a scenario fitting to the situation...;-)). Now to your points regarding the mmp being the product. (Arrgghhh, it's really a shame, I cannot write english as I can write german, it takes me ten times longer and I still can't be sure that people understand

If I would have to develop the communications strategy for PTSC, I would define three targetgroups:

- license clients = companies purchasing the MMP

-  product clients = companies/retailers/customers buying the products Turley wants to create in the next 12 months

- investors = institutions/people buying shares

Thanks to the division of labour between TPL and PTSC, TPL is building up the "sales channel" (contact with 500 infringing companies) and taking care of the "MMP-product" in terms of litigation with the J5, re-exams with the USPTO. When the MMP-product is finished (either with all the patents validated or with some claims rejected/changed/whatever), they can "sell" it for the full price to all the companies, which use the patents. You can see the 50% for TPL as a engineer-/sales- and marketing-fee Patriot is paying - in principle they sourced this out and it's a great deal: they receive 50% of the license fees (to those, who want to insist on "The patents only belong to Patriot!!!" - even if this was true, it's one thing to have a product (= MMP), but a completely different to make money out of it (= distribution etc.). In the short way: TPL is responsible for the MMP as a product.

Regarding the future product line of Patriot we don't have any clue, which is no problem to me, because NO company in the world would allow an insight in their labs or think tanks, telling the competition about their revolutionary developments. In the short way: WHEN Patriot is ready with this development and think it's a good time to tell the target group, they will/should do it - and the investors will get to know immediately.

Third point is the "investor's product", to which I'm referring to: This is an intersection (or better: an addition) of company dates (numbers & figures, debts & warrant & options & OS, history) plus "MMP-product" plus  "PTSC-product". WHEN these three components are in the right state/position and the management has developed/composed the right story for now and the future, THEN the "investor's product" can be "sold" to the market = the investment community.

This is, what I mean with "product" - and thus I'm convinced, that Patriot is not really ready NOW (though I think/hope, we're not far away from this moment anymore)...and thus I'm beating myself at least one minute the week for not having this discovered in 2006, where I bought nearly all my PTSC shares for higher prices as we see it today...:-(

But that's the usual problem with theory and practice - and it helps a little, to know, I'm not alone!

BTW, Ken wrote me some minutes ago, that the 10Q is due to 01/09/, so I'll gues no early filing can be expected.

Sorry for the novel - GLTA 


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