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Have not seen this before on the Ortsbo web site.Looks interesting.
Ortsbo represents a dramatic
breakthrough for the customer care
industry, particularly in this season of
globalization and growing demand for
multi-lingual customer care
Mikael Blaisdell, President
Customer Success Forum
The Hotline Magazine
Learn more at
Business is going global. Most businesses must
reach global markets to achieve growth
objectives. Clearly, the Internet has played a big
role in enabling the global opportunity, enabling
us to connect and economically communicate
with practically anyone in the world. However,
the Internet hasn’t yet addressed one of the
biggest challenges to globalization, the ongoing
barrier of language. English-only content and
communication is no longer an adequate answer
because it misses more than 70% of the online
global opportunity. Plus, the “hot” growth
languages are relative newcomers to the internet,
with Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Brazilian
Portuguese and Spanish topping the list.
We all know providing appropriate customer care is a
key to winning with customers ... that’s a given. But
the unfolding of the customer care industry has created
an ironic twist. Early in this process of globalization,
customer care providers were on a worldwide quest to
find high-quality, low-cost geographies for English
capable agents. This quest lead to concentration of
operations, employees, infrastructures and investments
in locations that include Latin America, the
Philippines, and others. However, just about the time
all this has become “conventional wisdom”
globalization demands more than just English
customer care. As a result, businesses and outsourcers
are being asked to support more and more languages.
Truly ironic since just as the quest for low cost English
succeeded, it became an obstacle to the emerging
demands of globalization.
So now language is a huge challenge for three reasons.
First, it’s difficult to find the languages needed in the
geographies where you have operations. So for
example, try to find Brazilian Portuguese capable
agents in the Philippines, or similarly, Turkish speakers
in Latin America, or for that matter Arabic speakers in
the rural midwest.. Second, even if you can find the
needed languages, you’re going to pay a significant
premium for these agents. It’s not unusual to pay 50%
more, or even double for agents with the required
language skills. In some cases, this cost alone makes it
difficult to justify the languages you need for your
global customers. The third challenge is subtle, but
arguably the biggest of all. It has to do with the
queuing issues associated with adding a new language
to a customer care operation. Simply put, if you have
one agent worth of volume for a language, you can’t
just add a single agent to cover the new language.
Clearly, one agent can not provide all the days and
hours of coverage required. But the challenge is more
profound because of the statistical distribution of
customer volume. After all, customer volume doesn’t
arrive in evenly distributed load. The well established
models say you typically need to hire 5 to 10 agents to
provide a targeted quality of service for a single agent
worth of volume. In combination, these challenges
create insurmountable barriers for companies to cover
all the languages they need for their customers.
Ortsbo is a game changer for global customer care. That’s because the Ortsbo Customer Care
solution makes all web agents multi-lingual capable. Simply put, your agents type their
customer care interactions in English (or any language for that matter) and your customers
immediately see it in their language. Conversely, your customers chat in their language, and
your agents see it immediately in theirs. It’s all embedded in your existing eCustomer Care
technology and process. Plus, it’s tuned to insure a high-quality, high-fidelity experience ... in
fact, our experience shows customers generally won’t even be able to tell they aren’t working
with a native speaker of their language.
This overcomes all the big challenges of multi-lingual customer care. Gone are the days of
struggling to find agents with the language skills you need. Plus, Ortsbo eliminates all the cost
premium of hiring multi-lingual agents. What’s more, you get the queue and statistical
distribution benefits of your existing work / hunt groups because all your agents are multi-
lingual enabled for all the languages you need.
Ortsbo makes all your agents multi-lingual capable at a
fraction of the cost of traditional staffing approaches
Cloud Delivered
Embedded in Web Chat
Linguistically Tuned
High-Fidelity Experience
Subscription Pricing
Dramatic Value
Based on proprietary technology and core inventions,
Ortsbo Customer Care is an internet software solution,
delivered via a global cloud service. So no matter where
in the world, it works. What’s more, it’s all real-time. So
no delays interrupt either the customer experience or
agent productivity. The solution is delivered through an
industry standard API, fully integrated into your
customer care technology. So it works in your
technology, in your customer process, and in the way
your agents are used to working.
Additionally, Ortsbo Customer Care isn’t a generic, one-
size-fits all solution. We’ve all experienced generic
machine translation, and it more often than not leaves
you wanting something better. In contrast, Ortsbo
Customer Care is tuned for your specific customer
interactions. To start off, it supports the particular
language pairs you want. Then, the solution is tuned for
social casual style communication that is typical for
customer care web chat. Next, Ortsbo applies advanced
machine learning and pattern matching to tune for your
specific linguistic domain. Finally, Ortsbo loads all your
most common and important brand phrases and key
terminology. And Ortsbo continually learns and
improves over time. Turns out, the best solution is about
much more than just translation accuracy, because you
can have high accuracy but if you miss some key words
and phrases, it ends up creating a bad experience. That’s
why the Ortsbo solution applies advanced technology
and techniques to create an optimized capability that
enables what we refer to as high-fidelity communication.
Simply put, your customers will be happy ... our
experience says just as happy as if you could staff with
native speakers for every language.
One of the benefits of the Ortsbo solution is it’s a
simple and pain-free process to get the real-time,
cross-language, high fidelity communication
capability you want for your customers. Ortsbo staff
steps you through the process to determine the exact
solution that best matches your business and
customer requirements. Ortsbo is pre-integrated into
the most common customer care technologies, but if
yours isn’t on the list, it’s typically a quick project
using the standards-based API. Ortsbo helps identify
the linguistic data you already have, and apply
advanced technologies to quickly learn and tune for
your content domain. Finally, Ortsbo provides any
assistance required to help stand up the capability
with the people in your organization, or your BPO of
choice. All this can be a very expedited process. In
fact, with a little assistance from your staff, Ortsbo
can have a fully functioning Customer Care solution
up in a matter of weeks.
The most common reply we get is clients think it was
going to cost more. Ortsbo Customer Care pricing is
lined up with the way you think about your customer
care business and costs; pricing is on a per agent per
month basis ... and at a price level that delivers an
order of magnitude value proposition when compared
with traditional multi-lingual staffing approaches. It’s
not uncommon for customers to realize a 10x return
on the investment compared with traditional
approaches. Plus, the up front services are often less
than what you’d pay to hire a single customer care
PHONE: 877.877.8439
If you’re struggling with how to provide
high-quality, multi-lingual customer care ...
all at a price you can afford, then look no
further. Ortsbo staff are ready and eager to
show you how Ortsbo Customer Care can
deliver your global customer care needs.
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