
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to Black Labs Rule's message

That I do, as others here with past or ongoing health issues.

My Grandpa drilled into my head, if you fail at something, try again and again until you succeed, as losing is not an option. People who simply give up, letting others grab the brass ring, will have it bothering them the rest of their lives.

In my quest to obtain a BSEE, there were failures grade wise, requiring me to repeat the courses. College counselors advised it would be in my best interest to switch majors and go for a BA..."Joe, your GPA in high school, SAT scores etc, does not support the "ability" to become an electrical engineer." So I said, "oh ya, you just watch me!"

Soon after this lecture, grades came out for the completion of year 2. I flunked geometry. I mean a big F...I went to see the professor asking "why the F?" He looked me straight in the eye saying, "for you to obtain a BSEE degree, is like an ant successfully reaching the top of a 100 foot mountain." I looked him right back eye to eye saying, "I'm that ant and I will reach the top, then I will return to see you wearing my college ring." The guy laughed at me...butthead!

Well, went to see him 2.5 years later. Stood outside of his classroom, pacing back and forth waiting for the bell to ring, and he could see me thru the windows. He kept looking at me...lol. When the class emptied, walked in making a B-line for him, shook his hand then asked, "do you remember me Mr $%&#@?" "Yes I do Joe, nice ring you have there"...smiling ear to he did. "Well prof, proved you wrong, anything you have to say?" Mind you, I'm 6' 5" staring down at the guy, then he said, "apparently I motivated you to succeed, my ant comment was on purpose. I knew you could do it, so kicked you in the butt!" "Thanks prof!"

Fred Falk will not give up either.

He has more riding on this than anyone on this board...believe it or blow it off.....

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