
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to Dolphins1's message

I think that Edig has more going for it right now than in quite awhile. It seems like 2014 could be a good year for the company, however I also thought that about 2013. I am long, I am not selling, I have much less invested than many others, and I am averaged at a pretty decent number. However, I feel the need to say what Sinkman said in a much more direct way because it seems like the Hub leaders are turning a blind eye to your, IMO, wildly positive speculations. If you could please provide the board with any sort of proof or links that even remotely back up your statements.

"There are NO solutions for physical security except Edig. None."

"I do not foresee anyone competing which would not violate there(sic) patent" Please provide your professional background as a patent attorney combined with an electrical engineering background to substantate.

"Edig may have cornered the Physical Security Market" operative word being may.

"We are seeing signs this is an opportunity of a lifetime" Smoke signals from Colorado?

There are many very bright people on this board, far brighter than myself, and none of them buy any of this. You are doing a disservice to those less informed that want to beleive after all these years and are begging for anything to help them cope with the situation as it currently sits. Cancel this post, ban me, I do not care, someone had to say something.

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