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in response to Sinkman's message

I frequently forward posts to Fred such as this, and did so with one of yours just recently. Many of the items in this current post were touched on at the SHM and those of us who were there have shared it the best we could.

Here's an example of a response to requests for info...from your Oct 26th post I sent Fred.

"Hi Joe, As I'm sure you are aware, we will soon be filing our Form-10Q and as we typically do, we will be issuing a press release concurrently with a Company update."

Whether I share it or not on this board, I look for comments daily in the "need to know" category and selectively send them to Fred. When I say selectively, I don't mean censorship or favoritism, I mean comments presented in a non hostile way that get right down to the meat of an issue vs being presented as a complaint. In communicating peoples thoughts here, it is better received by Fred and stands a better chance of a response, based on how something is said, vs what is said. I'll give a specific example, re: Aug 24th visit, which I did not share here, but since there is so much "venting" on the topic, here ya go.

Q: Fred, many people are concerned as to the internal justification of a $30K increase Aug 1st. Internally, how are decisions such as this made, and who makes them? As a follow-up, how long were you at $155K?

A: NOT AN EXACT QUOTE, BUT TO MY MEMORY: I was at $155K for 5 years. The company has a "salary compensation committee" that determines increases or the lack there of for all employees. It was felt and voted to approve this increase.

Now, my 1st reaction but did not express it in these words, committee(?)...WTH, there are only 4 BOD's members and 7 employees? In the days that followed, I came to the conclusion that in mid-year 2010, it was already known that RP would vacate and Fred would have those duties added. IR contact, acting CFO and acting Secretary added to the CEO/President role. IMO, the coincidence of Aug 1st, was a transitional period. Keep in mind, Eric Polis has a say so on the BOD....is he on this committee I'm thinking? OK, enough on this topic. If in fact Eric was involved, and I cannot imagine he was not, I support this increase.

Most everyone here is very articulate, to communicate a point of concern, and if not, I grab the subject matter, jot it down, then verbally present the question/concern so that the receiver at the other end, is not being "attacked."

So you folks might be thinking, why does Joe not report back all the details? Well, I am being a messenger in support of this group. I am not an investigative reporter. It does not matter to me who the poster is, how the poster communicates here, I either take the thought word for word, and lay it out there, or clean it up a bit, remove the emotion/frustration, and present it such that it is non threatening, yet gets the point across.

Now the big question, what does all this accomplish? Where are the results of my efforts and that of others? Here are two measurable examples. 1. collectively this group came up with 23 questions for the Mar 14th webcast, with 18 answered. 2. ditto we came up with 20 for the SHM, about 1/2 were duplicates worded another way, yet I copy/pasted for the list, 5 or 6 were either company confidential types stuff or just "abusive as written" in his view IMO, and 4/5 were answered but indirectly by Fred, Pat and Allen during their presentations and Q&A. Believe this or not, at the last 3 share holder meetings since I have been doing this, there has been a slight improvement in communcations. Is it everything that we desire? No....and it never will be.

If people here continue to email, call, send a letter, and visit if possible, if nothing else, we are expressing our "need to know."

My communications with Fred are delivered with respect, never in an "in your face" style. The subject matter at times, ditto questions, are in fact direct and puts him on the spot, but he never feels uncomfortable, because I don't present it in that manner.

I am developing a list of topics as I read here daily, and I will take them after I evaluate the 10-K and PR he mentions above, re: company update. I will cross off what is covered in these two documents.

Sink...lots of your stuff is in Fred's hands, as is from many here.

BTW, since RP left, on occasion I shoot off an email on a Sat or Sun to Fred from comments here all week, and he answers me on weekends about 75% of the time. I tease him about not waiting til Mon, and he says I'd rather take a few minutes and get back to you, than wait until I get back to the office. RP never did that....

Lastly, a few posters here were annoyed, that emails were simply ignored. One guy told me he was down right PO'd about it and asked me to do something on the next visit. On Feb 3rd I said to him, "Fred, I know you get many emails and at times it must be over whelming, many of the questions you simply cannot go there, but to just brush them aside does not cut it. If you cannot answer the question, at least reply with a statement that you are unable to discuss this subject other than in a PR or SEC filings...ignore is not acceptable." I believe he is batting a much higher average these days, and keep in mind, this ws RP's role, now Fred was thrown into this Dec 15 and there has been a learning curve.

Take my reply FWIW...

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