
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to richardo's message

You remain invested in a company whose business plan has morphed into litigating and monetizing their patent portfolio against a host of infringers in very large market segments.

That course has been, and remains, a long and arduous one. That given, you apparently choose to remain invested in hopes that the outcome yields you a profit on your investment objective.

That entire process is in the hands of the lawyers and has been so for over four years. The realities of the court system can be brutal and frustrating, but to bang on mangement in public chatrooms really amounts to nothing more than a bitch session, and that's OK if it makes you feel better or you want to steer people away from this investment. Otherwise I see no added value to venting and that goes for me and everyone else. We can make suggestions that we think might aid the company's profile or business model but just to thrash management makes sense only if your objective is to instigate a change at the top.

We all feel the frustration and voice our opinions but the only real options you have are to continue holding, buy, sell or orchestrate a shareholder revolt and force a management change, which still leaves you with the same core company.

At this point, I hardly see the point, as Fred has been loyal, if nothing else. Say what you will but until the patent situation is resolved I doubt a management shift will happen or will help much, unless they attract high profile talent to take the reigns.

Investors have been initially enlighted as to management's efforts to add value to this investment by expanding their patent portfolio via new high tech patents and the Nunchi concept. So, for what it's worth, management is making an effort to expand the company's endeavors but have yet to show any tangible results.

Will they be successful? That is the bet and so far it is not paying off, but that does not mean it will not happen.

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