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in response to DABOSS's message

"There has been zero PR efforts on EDIG's behalf outside of a standard company news release, which goes mostly unnoticed in this market, hence the need for management to get busy."

Well said DB.

A few weeks before the SHM, I had conversations with a few longs here who will not be named, and we collectively decided on some questions for the SHM. The two main topics were analyst coverage and hiring a PR firm. I took the PR firm as my question of RP.

People can check the SHM notes posted by emit in Link Library dated Nov 20, but this is basically what took place after RP stated we needed to tell the EDIG story to attract new investors..words to that effect.

My Q: Are you going to hire a PR firm to tell the story?

His A: (not an exact quote) We have used PR firms in the past and were not satisfied with the results for the money spent. I am best qualified to tell the story.

That was 6 weeks ago....I expected at least an apetizer by now, but the timing to "tell the EDIG story" is RP's decision. A common complaint by many is the company not tooting it's own horn more often. In the old days, and management has learned from it, they over promissed and under delivered. Today, it's the opposite, but IMO with all that is in the pipeline, the lack of PR is to a fault.

I want to believe management is waiting for deals to close be they eVU orders, settlements with more XLA's, a partnership that will provide reocurring revs, THEN blast the investment community to every outlet known in the market/Wall St etc, making realistic promises and deliver on them. I don't want any razzle dazzle, just lay out the accomplishments!!

The frustrating part is the wait...all we do is wait...LOL!!!

HNY to all and be safe.

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