
Flash-R™ patent portfolio e.Digital's Flash-R™ patent portfolio contains fundamental technology essential to the utilization of flash memory in today's large and growing portable electronic products market.
in response to emit's message

''[0005] Enforcing copyright laws on individual citizens trading music in the comfort of their own homes has proven quite difficult. The damage caused to the music industry by illegal copying and trading has forced other multimedia industries to take note. The movie industry in particular could be greatly damaged if movies become as widely traded as music currently is. Big budget movies can cost over one hundred million dollars to make. Without a vast number of consumers paying to view and purchase the movies, the industry would soon come to a halt. ''

[0006] Due to pressures from the movie industry, the digital revolution has been largely absent in areas other than music. Despite the possible benefits from new digital hardware and software to view movies, the movie industry fears letting the proverbial cat out of the bag. The pressure has limited the possibilities of downloading movies at home, or allowing them to be transferred between digital devices. The movie industry often doesn't allow its movies to even be distributed in a digital format before the release to video, fearing that people won't pay to see movies at the theater if they already have them at home.

''The present invention enables digital media content to be easily stored in the multimedia device. The digital media files may be deleted from the multimedia device, but once the digital media files are stored on the digital storage medium, they cannot be transferred to another device. The inability to transfer the digital media files can allow media content providers to be secure in distributing their multimedia products to the multimedia device in a digital format with minimal fear of copyright violations.''

ergo MicroOS,,, ''[0018] In the present invention, a predetermined file format can be used to store the digital media content. The predetermined file format can be configured to be incompatible with the file formats used by major computer operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, Unix, and Apple's operating system.''

Also note it intails wireless/pc-to-handheld/and internet transmission with multi levels of security [0035]. All via 'digital storage module configured thu a 'media processor',, ie,. Mos laid into these:

[0012] In order to overcome the problems described and to provide a secure system for distributing, storing, and performing digital media files, the present invention provides a system and method for securely storing and performing digital media files in a multimedia device, as illustrated in FIG. 1. The secure multimedia distribution system 100 includes a multimedia device 102. The multimedia device comprises a media processor 116 and a digital storage medium 114. The media processor can be a digital signal processor, a central processing unit such as an Intel X86 chip, an IBM PowerPC chip, or an equivalent processor. Alternatively, the media processor can be a microcontroller or a reconfigurable Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) computer chip such as a Xilinx programmable logic device. The digital storage medium can comprise a hard drive, an optical storage device such as a CD or DVD, a solid state memory such as random access memory (RAM), magnetic RAM, Flash RAM, or a combination of these devices. For example, the digital storage medium can comprise a hard drive and a receptacle for a solid state memory card. The digital storage medium may comprise any other means not listed which can be used for storing large amounts of digital data''


doni - note it could have been xilinx vs atlera or actel.


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