Zenyatta Ventures Ltd

Aubrey again added a top talent to the ZEN team in Ms. Strazdins:


She certainly fits in with the other great talent Aubrey has attracted to the team. Her 500+ connections on LinkedIN would of been notified of her new job at ZEN and I am sure a few would be curious about the company she just signed up with. That is a whole new set of eyes, many in the mining industry that will now be looking at ZEN. Would not be surprised if we saw some support come in for a while just from this.

The chart just broke out from a double bottom with volume over the last 2 days and that is bullish in itself.

There is also this to consider:

With ZEN double bottoming at .63, I think it is fair to say all speculators are out of the stock. Those of us who hold shares are hard core ZEN supporters and I for one will not be giving away my shares cheap after the BS we have endured. Our time is starting IMO. Just looking at the news release today, we can see Mara was involved as we have a new "About Zenyatta" section, compare the last 2 NRs:



This was the "About Zenyatta" section:

About Zenyatta Ventures Ltd.

Zenyatta continues to develop its rare volcanic-hosted Albany graphite deposit in Ontario, Canada. The Company’s highly crystalline graphite deposit is fluid derived rather than the typical and abundant sedimentary (flake) style of graphite deposits. Albany is the only and largest graphite deposit of its kind under development in the world. It is situated 30 km north of the Trans-Canada Highway, power line and natural gas pipeline near the communities of Constance Lake First Nation and Hearst. A rail line is located 70 km away with an all-weather road approximately 10 km from the graphite deposit. The world trend is to develop products for technological applications that need extraordinary performance using high-purity graphite powder at an affordable cost. Albany graphite can be upgraded with very good crystallinity without the use of aggressive acids (hydrofluoric) or high temperature thermal treatment therefore having an environmental advantage over other types of upgraded high-purity graphite material.

The outlook for the global graphite market is very promising with demand growing rapidly from new applications. It is now considered one of the more strategic elements by many leading industrial nations, particularly for its growing importance in high technology manufacturing and in the emerging “green” industries such as electric vehicle components. The application for graphitic material is constantly evolving due to its unique chemical, electrical and thermal properties. It maintains its stability and strength under temperatures in excess of 3,000°C and is very resistant to chemical corrosion. It is also one of the lightest of all reinforcing elements and has high natural lubricating abilities. Some of these key physical and chemical properties make it critical to modern industry.

Notice how it is better written. Notice how we clearly and effectively separate ourselves from flakers.

There is a different feel to this IMO.

Also the title is telling: Zenyatta Hires VP Corporate Communications and Investor Relations to Further Strengthen the Team for a Strategic and Active Marketing Program

I think the Choo Choo is getting back on the tracks!


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