Wildcat Exploration Ltd

Welcome To The Wildcat Exploration Ltd HUB On AGORACOM Wildcat Exploration Limited is a publicly traded company actively exploring in Canada for precious and base metals.

The following info is copied from the Wildcat website. Link for the page with maps is: http://www.wildcat.ca/explorationdetailscontent.php?PAGEAREAID=44



The McVicar Lake Project is located 80 km west of Pickle Lake in northwestern Ontario. Gold was first discovered on the property in the early 1900’s and has been explored by BHP and, more recently by a partnership of Continuum Resources Ltd. and Prospector Consolidated Resources Inc. The project is prospective for gold in intensely altered rocks containing quartz veins and pyrite mineralization.

The project area is located 30 km northwest of the Golden Patricia Mine that operated between 1988 and 1996, producing 0.45 Million ounces at 19.9 g/t gold (Manicouagan Minerals Inc).

Four mineralized zones occur within the McVicar Project area. The Altered Zone, ranging from 2.5 to 12 m wide on surface, is characterized by sericite, apple green mica and boudinaged quartz veins. This zone has been the most drill tested zone of the project, yielding intersections containing up to 14.3 g/t gold over 4.63 m. The North Flexure Zone occurs 750 m northwest along strike of the Altered Zone structure. Historical drilling intersected up to 9.3 g/t gold over 2.02 m. The Shonia #1 Zone is also located along strike some 4.1 km west of the Altered Zone at the intersection of the mineralized structure with a tonalitic intrusion. Historical drilling yielded 4.4 g/t gold over 2.30 m. The Chellow Vein, located near the Lower McVicar Fault, is a narrow smoky-grey quartz vein with high-grade gold mineralization. The mineralization style and vein type resembles the historical Golden Patricia Mine.


The McVicar Lake Project is located 80 km west of Pickle Lake and 150 km east of Red Lake within the Canadian Shield in Northern Ontario. The property is accessible by plane and is located approximately 25 km southeast of the First Nation community of Cat Lake. The project is comprised of 21 claims totalling 5,120 ha.


The McVicar Project is located within the Lang Lake greenstone belt, part of the Uchi Subprovince of the Superior Structural Province. The northern project area is underlain by basaltic to andesitic volcanic flows that have been overlain by explosive felsic volcanic rocks and related volcanic sediments. The central zone of the project area is underlain by an east-west elongated gabbroic body that has been subsequently intruded by a north elongated tonalitic intrusion.

Three significant regional structures, trending northwest - west, occur on or near the McVicar Lake Project: 1) Altered Zone Fault 2) Lower McVicar Fault 3) Bear Head Fault Zone. These faults tend to follow along lithological contacts.


There are four significant zones of gold mineralization at the McVicar Lake Project. Gold mineralization on the property occurs when major regional structures such as the Altered Zone Fault intersects a change in lithology. Both anomalous copper and nickel have also been noted within most of the zones.

1) Altered Zone – The northwest trending altered zone is characterized by apple green mica and sericite and is approximately 2.5 to 12.5 m wide on surface, dipping shallowly to the northeast. The gold mineralization occurs in quartz-iron-carbonate “fault-fill” veins that are lens shaped. Gold rarely occurs as free grains but occurs in association with iron sulphides (pyrite). Historical DDH ML-87-27 intersected 14.3 g/t gold over 4.63 m and DDH ML-03-01 intersected 5.7 g/t Au over 7.71 m.

2) North Flexure Zone – This zone is a continuation of the Altered Zone fault structure approximately 750 m northwest along strike. Iron rich sulphide (pyrite) content increases in this zone although the intensity of alteration decreases. Historical DDH ML-91-54 intersected 9.3 g/t Au over 2.02 m and DDH ML-91-54 returned 8.2 g/t gold over 2.01 m. The zone is open under the lake to the northwest.

3) Shonia #1 Zone – The Shonia #1 Zone occurs 4.1 km west along strike of the Altered Zone / North Flexure fault structure as it comes in contact with a north elongated tonalitic intrusion. The gold mineralization occurs in narrow (up to 0.7 m wide) quartz-carbonate veins within sheared and fractured host tonalitic rock. The mineralized quartz veins are trending in a northeast direction which crosscuts the main orientation of the Altered Zone fault. Historical DDH ML-92-64 intersected 4.4 g/t gold over 2.30 m and ML-92-82 intersected 11.7 g/t gold over 1.50 m.

4) Chellow Vein – The Chellow Vein is an up to 0.50 m wide boudinaged smoky grey quartz vein that contains high-grade gold mineralization. This structure is the least explored and understood of the project but a grab sample taken from the vein in 2002 by Continuum Resources Ltd – Prospector Consolidated Resources Inc. contained 827 g/t gold. The Chellow Vein resembles the mineralization and vein style of the historical Golden Patricia Mine 30 km to the southeast.


Wildcat geologists believe understanding gold-bearing structures on the property is critical for identifying new sites for gold deposition. A review of the historical drill logs and plans was compiled by geologists in the winter of 2011 and a gold mineralization model was constructed for each of the significant gold zones. An airborne magnetic and electromagnetic survey is planned for spring/summer of 2011 to aid in delineating both regional and local structures.

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