Wildcat Exploration Ltd

Welcome To The Wildcat Exploration Ltd HUB On AGORACOM Wildcat Exploration Limited is a publicly traded company actively exploring in Canada for precious and base metals.

May 6th first batch of 2,415,000 @ .20

May 20th 4,995,00 @ .15

Conversation with John Knowles

posted on Mar 16, 10 01:15AM

I had sent a query to CEO John Knowles a week or so ago, and he replied that he would call me once he returned from PDAC in Toronto. He did call me today, and we have a nice visit. I have summarized the main thoughts from that conversation below.

1. PDAC - was a busy time for the Wildcat folks. Besides the PR opportunities at the Conference itself, there were also some PR interactions in corporate offices in Toronto. There were discussions with other parties on possibly entering into an optioning arrangement on properties that Wildcat would otherwise not be exploring actively themselves in the immediate future (in which case Wildcat would always retain an interest in case the optionee was successful), and there were also discussions with others about new areas of opportunity. [Note - there were no more details shared on this, and the fact that there were discussions doesn't mean that anything was agreed on.]

2. The drill program at Jeep was completed a week or two ago. Assay results will be released as soon as they are available. Next, the plan is to move activity to the Mike Power zone when the ground dries up.

3. Expired warrants - it had been thought the the share price might have taken some upward bounce with a combination of the Jeep drilling going on and the litigation issue settled. If the SP had jumped, it would have given a context in which the March warrants could have been exercized. Unfortunately, the share price did not move up and 1,000,000 warrants expired. Now another much larger batch of warrants are coming up in May/June (approx 20 million). John is looking at various options to keep those warrants alive in case they are not in the money at that time.

4. Poundmaker Deal Extension - the fact that Strikepoint was behind in their obligations created an opportunity to introduce new accountability standards in the agreement, which is a good thing. The extra $50,000 payment was also helpful, and work being down now is under the professional supervision of Apex, with a Wildcat geologist also involved. Work permits and drill permits are in place.

5. Reed Lake - work will be done to get it "drill-ready" this summer with plans to drill targeted areas in the winter of 2010-11. Meanwhile Tolko Lumber has asked permission to put a road across the Reed Lake property for lumbering, which will then provide road access to the land for Wildcat at Tolko's expense. Previously, access was by boat or air.

I noticed tonight that an updated exploration plan is included in the new presentation that is up on the website (slide 10 - http://www.wildcat.ca/upload/march_2010_presentation.pdf ). You can see that Wildcat has lots of activity planned in the months ahead. With the litigation settled, the air is cleared, there is money in the bank and new interest by other parties to do things. I continue to like the management and business plan. Juniors in general have retraced a bit since last fall, and Wildcat is no exception. But I still prefer Wildcat over the others and plan to hold my position for the long(er)-term - I will add more when I can get them at current day price levels also.


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