Wildcat Exploration Ltd

Welcome To The Wildcat Exploration Ltd HUB On AGORACOM Wildcat Exploration Limited is a publicly traded company actively exploring in Canada for precious and base metals.

Reed Lake Property

Property Description
The Reed Lake property is comprised of 32 claims covering 6,051 hectares located along the entire west side of Reed Lake. Fourteen of these claims are subject to a 3% net smelter royalty. As a result of geological traverses in the summer of 2007 the Company determined that the Reed Lake property is underlain by three distinct geological environments arranged from south to north as follows: a) a layered mafic ultramafic intrusive complex prospective for copper, nickel, and PGE; b) a more massive mafic ultramafic rock suite, with outcrops characterized by abundant malachite (copper carbonate) staining and c) felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks that are prospective for hosting copper zinc volcanogenic massive sulphide zones prevalent in the district.

The first environment, the Reed Lake intrusion, is a differentiated, layered intrusion of tholeiitic composition. Mafic rocks dominate the stratigraphic sequence and are interlayered with ultramafic rocks in the lower portion of the intrusion. The layers trend south and dip subvertically to steeply east. The intrusion faces west and is bound to the west and east by major shear zones.

Anomalous PGE (and locally gold) concentrations cluster along a north-south trend associated with layered ultramafic rocks of the central to lower portion of the Reed Lake intrusion. Combined Pt and Pd concentrations in grab samples range from 50 ppb to 273 ppb in this zone.

The second distinct environment occurs north of the layered portion of the Reed Lake intrusion. This is a poorly differentiated and layered mafic magmatic complex that may be a separate intrusion and/or a precursor or feeder to the Reed Lake layered intrusion. These rocks are characterized by significant alteration, evidence of copper-bearing mineralization and anomalously elevated PGE and gold concentrations.

The third environment, in the northern third of the property, was the subject of a helicopter-borne EM and Mag survey which highlighted two conductive northeast-trending elongated zones, each characterized by varying conductive and magnetic properties. Both zones dip westerly at their northern end, switching to an easterly dip in their southern portion. The survey results, together with recent discovery successes on
properties adjoining the western claim boundary (Cream Minerals Ltd.: 20.93 m of 1.3% Ni 2.27% Cu; July 19, 2007) and the northern claim boundary (Rockcliff Resources Inc.: 5.49 metres: 2.14% Cu; 2.08% Zn; December 19, 2007), indicate the potential for a trend of base metal mineralization across the northeast quadrant of the Company's property.

Activities in 2009
Compilation of geological data in preparation for field activities was completed during 2009.

Activities Contemplated for 2010
Geological and structural mapping followed geophysical surveys in preparation for drilling in 2011 is planned. Special attention will be directed towards the geological relationship between the host of the Wine deposit and the Rail deposit.

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