Silverado Gold Mines

SideNote: I believe that the NWO plan is/was to keep the majority of the western citizens from converting the majority of their fiat money to physical precious metals. That way the few people who are busy stacking physical PM wouldn't be a threat to undermine the NWO digital currency that is planed. I would think the banksters will wait for the currency collapse and the unveiling of the NWO digital currency before they truly revalue the price of Gold much higher to cover the world's debt. Of course by that time, the communist countries will be holding the majority of the world's true wealth, Gold and Silver. Once PMs is revalued at say.. $10,000 Gold. The NWO banksters will be very-very rich. And those citizens who have a plan 'B' in place to stack as much PMs as they could afford, will be the only ones to preserve a portion of their wealth outside of the NWO elite's digital currency iron fist grasp. I still think there is a chance the Fed will unveil some sort of QE4 this summer to flood the markets before the Prez election in November, to help move the planed currency crisis along. GRIM



James Turk

Tuesday, May 6, 2016

Gold expert James Turk thinks the biggest bubble of all is long past its expiration date. Turk thinks this bubble will end like all bubbles. Turk predicts, “This money bubble is going to pop. It has to because there is just too much debt in the world. That debt has to be reconciled and, ultimately, when you are reconciling debt, it gets back to the point about collateral on the balance sheets. There is just not enough good collateral to support all of this paper money circulating out there.”

Turk also says there is way too many paper promises for the actual physical gold that can be delivered. So, in the future, Turk says, “I see a lot of these promises to deliver gold being broken and, ultimately, the only way you are going to see this being resolved is with a much higher gold price.” How high? Turk estimates, “You’ve got to be looking back to the all-time highs of $1,900 or $2,000 per ounce. We are eventually going to take those out. It’s just a question of when we do it. It’s obvious it is going to happen because gold has been money for 5,000 years and, ultimately, people will come back to gold when they realize that all these promises of bankers and central bankers really cannot be fulfilled. So, it is just a question of when that reconciliation comes. In March of 1968, the dam broke and the gold price was released and the gold price climbed for another 12 years. When the gold price finally gets released this time around, it’s going to climb for many, many more years. It’s hard to say how high it can go, but relative to the amount of paper that’s out there . . . a price several times higher than what we have today seems very, very reasonable in the long run.”

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