Raptor Resources Holdings Inc.


8:00a ET November 17, 2011 (GlobeNewswire)

Lantis Laser Inc. (OTCQB:LLSR), is pleased to announce today that its operating affiliate TAG Minerals Zimbabwe (Private) Limited (TAG-Z) is set to commence our own alluvial surface gold mining operations. TAG-Z's first purchase order for a state-of-the-art HPC-30 Gold Recovery System is being delivered to Harare, Zimbabwe the week of November 28th with full-scale commencement of mining for alluvial surface gold scheduled for the beginning of January, 2012. Mining our own mineral claims, as well as continuing to implement our corporate acquisition strategy of executing full or partial acquisitions of seasoned mining and mineral companies is squarely on track heading into year 2012. While preparing for delivery of the larger, higher capacity HPC-30 System, TAG-Z has continued to explore and bulk sample miles of riverbed soils, utilizing two smaller exploratory HPC-10 machines, as a gateway to pinpointing which areas hold the richest gold bearing sands, in which to commence our own gold mining operations.

Tapiwa Gurupira, CEO of TAG-Z, and a director of Lantis is spearheading TAG-Z operations in Zimbabwe. Mr. Gurupira has formed many solid relationships with highly qualified and experienced mining professionals in Zimbabwe, and has recently added more outstanding professionals to TAG-Z's arsenal of experts, the additions possessing strong backgrounds in strategic mine planning, exploration and development, quarry management, geological consultancy and metallurgical expertise. Lantis anticipates and expects many more exciting events, in and around its mining and mineral activities, to continue to unfold, for and on behalf of its shareholders. With the price of gold soaring, along with many other commercially utilized minerals rising in price, the timing could not be better for TAG-Z to commence its own mining operations, as well as to continue to stay focused on its other main corporate objective of executing strategic acquisitions of seasoned, sound mining and mineral companies, that possess solid prospects, with synergies that align well with that of TAG-Z.

Greig Oppenheimer, CEO of IE-TEC Marketing Limited, as well as a director of Lantis, added "TAG-Z's first HPC-30 Gold Recovery System is ready for delivery, and IE-TEC fully expects to fill many more orders from TAG-Z for our internationally patented lines of Heavy Particle Concentrators (HPC) Gold Recovery and Mineral Separation Systems." He went on to say, "IE-TEC's HPC technology allows for 95% to 98% Gold Recovery down to 50 microns in size, but can also recover other high-density minerals as well as gemstones and alluvial diamonds, hence the name, Gold Recovery and Mineral Separation System." The process is environmentally safe for the land, as well as for its people, as the HPC system uses no chemicals whatsoever in performing its purpose, which is the efficient extraction of gold and/or other minerals in mining operations. With Zimbabwe being so richly endowed with various minerals, creative, efficient technology is expected to play a major role in the profitable exploitation of these minerals.

Lantis Laser Inc. (parent/holding Company)

Lantis Laser Inc. is the parent/holding Company with two independently operating wholly-owned subsidiaries, Lantis Laser, Inc. (New Jersey) and TAG Minerals Inc.

About Lantis Laser, Inc. (New Jersey)

Lantis Laser, Inc. is developing under license, synergistic, high resolution, light-based imaging modalities which can detect decay and microstructural defects at an early stage, and unlike x-ray, do not emit potentially harmful ionizing radiation. Its products are in development and cannot be sold until FDA clearance for marketing is obtained.

About TAG Minerals Inc.

TAG Minerals is a U.S. based (incorporated in Wyoming) mineral resource acquisition, exploration and development company, with operations conducted through its operating affiliate, TAG Minerals Zimbabwe (Private) Limited. The company's business is managed by its directors and officers who have mineral extraction and commercial experience. TAG's strategy is to identify, acquire and exploit mineral properties that have potential. TAG Minerals is augmented by independent financial, geological, and mining professionals who advise the company on its mining and exploration projects throughout Zimbabwe, Africa.

To find out more about the mining equipment utilized by TAG; visit www.extrac-tec.com

Safe Harbor

Statements regarding financial matters in this press release other than historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The company intends that such statements about the company's future expectations, including future revenues and earnings, technology efficacy and all other forward-looking statements be subject to the safe harbors created thereby. The company is a development stage company who continues to be dependent upon outside capital to sustain its existence. Since these statements (future operational results and sales) involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, the company's actual results may differ materially from expected results.

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This news release was distributed by GlobeNewswire, www.globenewswire.com

SOURCE: Lantis Laser Inc.

CONTACT: Corporate Inquiries:
Stan Baron, President
Lantis Laser, Inc. (NJ)
Telephone: 203.300.7622
Al Pietrangelo, President& CEO
TAG Minerals Inc.
Telephone: 732.252.5146
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