POET Technologies Inc.

So in an effort to not soley post negative info and also to explain why I still hold all my shares in this company I want to put a few facts out there.  These mostly relate to the technology and come directly from past NR's.


1. We are 10 months into an 18 month agreement with A*Star.  This is for development of technology that we generally don't even discuss on this board because there is not much info about it being released.  But we do know that it is about Micro Displays specifically targeting the VR market.  I assume that since we are just over half way through with our initial term that we should have some progress being made on this front and will get news about where we stand on this initiative this year.


2.  We have 2 of the 3 components developed and being optimized for the AOC as of 5 months ago.  The last remaining device is the VCSEL.  The company has stated that the VCSEL is more of a matter of when it gets done as they have verified multiple times that it is feasible and they are really only trying to optimize the Expatial stack to allow electrical pumping of the Laser.  This is where the delay.  But they have made steps to correct this as of November.


3. There is also some evidence that once this is complete there is interest from a company to License via NRE.  But there is also this one little sentance that makes me think there is something more going on besides just the AOC.  Namely something to do with the detector.  


  • POET has received specific interest in applications from prospective customers and is in advanced discussions to license for non-recurring engineering (NRE) fees and transfer our proprietary integrated planar opto-electronic technology. Included in the talks is the proposed establishment of a platform for the development of integrated sensing applications.

So with all these things having taken place and now the placement of what appears to be a Production/Sales force in DL, I make the assumtion that not only is DL about to ramp up sales but Poet products are near completion at the Alpha Prototype level (at a minimum).  


There are many thing this management has done that I don't agree with, but there is no denying that they are Tech Savy individuals.  That is why most of my complaints have not been about what they are doing Tech wise, but what they are doing Market wise.  I thing they have the philosopy of "If we build it, they will come..."  Which may be the case, lets hope so.  Until we get some solid news on any of these fronts we are stuck here, but I do believe that we will get news about all of these things this year.  Hopefully in this quarter or the next.



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