POET Technologies Inc.


This is from a member of our in office POET group. We have a very lively membership, whch includes engineers down to office clerical staff. Its a theory on the iwatch and its problems and possible solutions. It requires some suspension of current popular beliefs and an understanding that the timelines given by the company are not as publicly presented, I present here for your discussion/debate. Feedback welcome.....I have permission to do this from the author. Please don't shoot the messenger.

While reading through the CP, I started thinking about the 3rd party foundry. We are working with Synopsys & the 3rd party foundry. We assume a customer asked for the 40 nm node... Why? Here's where the theory part comes in.... We know Apple delayed the launch of their iWatch... It has been rumored that their battery life sucks... And 40 nm is pretty small... And we have significant power savings... Hmmmm If things are 6 months ahead of what the news releases say, what if Synopsis had already designed that chip late last year? And what happens to those 40 nm chips they are producing at the foundry, while trying to prove out commercial yields? Apple is supposed to launch the iWatch in April now... Soooooooo, wouldn't they need chips to put in those newly launched watches? And we could possibly have a pile just laying around...? This could then do a few things for us.... The first NRE from Apple/Synopsis for the watch chip. With volume for ALL those watches, wouldn't there be some recurring royalties? We get the BIG announcement / Partner we have been waiting for..... BOOM, We qualify for the Nasdaq.... If the chip is successful, Apple transitions through the rest of their offering....

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