POET Technologies Inc.


what follows is my humble opinion on better forum discipline.

If the moderators do not moderate this board will trend towards the hell hole that the other forum (SH) can be. Whilst we might have reservations about our moderators decisions we must accept that their decisions benefit the forum as a whole.

No one likes being ticked off and we can all understand that it is human nature to retaliate to perceived criticism. But my goodness we’ve recently seen one example where this was taken to the extreme, where a person's sanity was brought into question.

So what are we going to do?

Firstly, this board is not life or a business its a Forum where differing views should be able to be expressed. We should exercise a degree of tolerance, we should keep a light touch.

Secondly, as an ex military guy, discipline is a significant factor in military life. In my experience correction can go wrong and can be emotionally damaging if its not properly handled. The best form of discipline is self discipline and the best form of correction is self correction. We need to take more time to consider that what we say is not offensive or breaks forum rules and perhaps bite our tongues when we are chastised.

Finally, this is a forum. We should consider whether what we write is of benefit to the body of the forum as a whole. A critical response to an individual is best left to a PM. It is also my opinion is that warnings and disciplinary actions should be confined to PMs.

There, I’ve taught you all how to suck eggs! I have prepared myself emotionally for criticism so go ahead please.

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