Northern Dynasty Minerals

Copper - Gold - Molybdenum project in Alaska 72 billion pounds Copper - 94 million oz Gold - 4.8 billion pounds Molybdenum.1

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Pebble Update

Alaska Native Regional Corporations Express Concerns

Ten of the 12 Alaska Native Regional Corporations have written to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to express a wide variety of concerns related to the draft Bristol Bay watershed assessment.

While each Alaska Native Regional Corporation has questioned several points of issue within the study, many share several common concerns including: Unacceptable short review period of the draft assessment; rushed aspects of the overall draft assessment process; lack of scientific rigor associated with draft assessment; legality of intrusion on state land; importance of due process and established guidelines.

Of greatest concern relates to the ramifications of any potential EPA actions associated with the draft assessment related to Alaska Native land rights as determined by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Read the individual letters to the EPA from Alaska Native Regional Corporations.

ASRC: Science, Not Speculations, Should Govern Decisions

In a four page letter submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Arctic Slope Regional Corporations (ASRC) has raised strong concern regarding the process associated with the EPA's draft Bristol Bay watershed assessment.

Of greatest concern is the prospect that EPA could use the highly general information and speculative conclusions reported in the draft assessment as a basis under Section 404(c) to prohibit consideration of any dredge or fill permits in the region. Such a decision would set a dangerous precedent and impact all Alaska Natives and landowners in the state.

Among the many comments contained within the letter, ASRC states, "It is troubling that a decision to put a huge area with enormous resource potential off-limits could be based on an assessment performed without ever having received, let alone given careful and deliberate consideration to, any specific permit application or project proposal." Read ASRC's comments to the EPA.

Calista Corporation: EPA Activities Beyond Authorized Jurisdiction

"An agency that currently fails to meet required actions and time tables in its existing regulatory programs but has expended time and resources on an effort which was not required is neither fiscally prudent nor objective." So begins the opening statement of Calista Corporation's recent letter submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) related to the draft Bristol Bay watershed assessment.

Covering six major points of concern within it's letter, Calista Corporation outlines the stringent natural resource permitting and application process in Alaska, as well as notes the comprehensive attention to research and environmental study generally associated with projects throughout Alaska.

Questioning the rushed aspects of the draft assessment, the inadequacies of research and lack of key mitigation strategies, Calista Corporation has charged that the draft assessment process puts into question and undermines any EPA scientific credibility and objectivity. Read Calista Corporation's comments to the EPA.

Village Corporations Speak Out

In addition to Alaska Native Regional Corporations, multiple Village Corporations and tribal governments have also voiced their wide concerns related to the draft Bristol Bay watershed assessment. Read their submissions to the EPA.

Handy links:

Alaska Resource Development Council
Alaska Miners Association
United States Geological Survey
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Alaska Division of Mining, Land and Water
Alaska Department of Fish & Game
Truth About Pebble

Alaska Resource Education

Council of Alaska Producers

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