Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
Noront Trivia
almost 14 years ago

Nothing much to comment on while we wait for how about a little Noront trivia...note that in some cases there could be more than one correct answer

1) What is meant by the term "flying under the radar" as it relates to Noront Resources?

a) when the Noront executives climb into their private jets and joy ride over McFaulds lake at such a low altitude that they scare the gajibies out of the drillers

b) when the Noront management makes like they are trying on one hand to promote the company through TV ads and interviews, but on the other hand, they warn how improbable it is to ever bring their deposits into production and fire their IR person

c) a term used by Noront management to justify prolonged periods of nothing to report despite multiple drills on site for the past 6 months

d) a term used by Noront management to satisfy their agenda in share price manipulation in order to carry out PP's at rediculous low prices to a select few while loading up on stock options and other beneifts for themselves

e) b, c & d

2) What other projects does Noront have besides the eagle's nest?

a) they have a JV interest in a very strategic chromite deposit in the middle of the Black Thor deposit (which was the subject of a recent takeout by Cliffs) and the Big Daddy deposit (which was also the subject of a recent takeout by Cliffs), which is also near completion of a 43-101

b) they have an interest in some venture in China for which RN was very excited about three years ago, along with some prospective properties in other countries for which Noront gave up shares for 100% interest

c) they own 100% interest in a gold deposit at Windfall Lake, and 50% of nearby claims, for which they drilled a bonanza grade hole with 52 oz/ton (yes oz and not g) over about 5 meters, and for which they spent about 18 million to dig a tunnel with a ramp leading down to the area of the high grade gold, which was also to cross through several other gold occurances

d) they invented some neat gadjits that you can download on your iphone

e) they have several other discoveries in the vicinity of eagles nest, such as the blackbirds one and two (chrome and NI, Cu, Pt, Pd), AT-12 (Ni, Cu, Pt, Pd), JJJ (gold), Vanadium/Titanium; all of which are on hold while they try for six months to figure out how to drill a deep hole

3) What is the reaction of management if you vote down their compensation package

a) they ignore shareholders fustration and vote in a similar alternative compensation package by a show of hands

b) they become more committed to becoming more transparent in an effort to increase the trust of the shareholder in hopes that this would lead to increased shareholder value

c) they resort to taking a cut in pay until such time that they could deliver shareholder value

d) after passing an alternative compensation package, they punish their shareholders by issuing shares exclusively to their friends at a 25% discount, plus give then another 5% of the proceeds, all in an effort to reduce the share price further so that they could load up with cheap stock options

e) they carry on like a bunch of spoiled kids and won't take no for an answer

4) How long does it take for the Noront team to drill a 2000 meter hole?

a) it is an impossible feat, never been done, can't be done, a pipe dream

b) as long as it takes to dilute the shares by 20%

c) longer than it takes for the management team to put another 5 million in their own pockets and a few million in the pockets of their closest friends

d) this is a difficult task, and shareholders need to be patient

e) not long if the target is barren rock

5) What is the current strategy of this current management team

a) to fly under the radar

b) to try to find a buyer for their chrome after announcing how worthless it is

c) to give away or stop any progress on any deposits that might distract people from their main goal of reporting no progress on their only focussed project in an effort to drive down the share price

d) to get rich and to help their friends get rich by doing PP's and issuing stock options at ultimate lows

e) to explore, then to build a mine, then to explore, then to focus on deep drill results, then focus on new discoveries, to putting the new discoveries on the back burner to focus on their main deposit, to consolidating, to proving up resources, to trying to sell resources, focus on the nickel, then the chrome, then the nickel, then the PGE's, the rodium, a new gold discovery, a convergence zone, new deposits in the vicinity, with 6 drills, no 5, now 4

6) what is meant by the term "on the cusp of a new discovery"

a) this is a yet to be discovered resource that once discovered will be put on the back burner in order to focus on their main discovery

b) a term used to keep shareholders hopeful while they line their pockets with outragous salaries and bonuses

c) a term used to portray that management is actually doing something, although they have no results at this time to report

d) a term used to preannounce a discovery that they have made, but for which they will not announce until a predermined time frame, while positioning themselves and their friends for a windfall...see also "flying under the radar"

e) a term used to describe the fact that their gadgits see something there and now all they have to do is prove it is there, but they haven't been able to prove it yet, despite 6 months of drilling with 4-6 drills on site

7) What was the purpose of the recent Flow Through financing

a) punish current shareholders for voting down their compensation package

b) to allow their friends at Dundee to sell their current shares for $.80 - $1.20 in exchange for shares with an effective cost of about .80 + give then another 5% bonus; then once their friends have sold off the required number of shares, hopfully the share price is ripe for a granting of stock options to management (a heads they win and tales they win too)

c) management realized that despite the fustration of the retail investor, they still would not sell, and they needed another reason to fustrate the retail investor further; and not just through the initial announcement, but also throught the second announcement of the increase in the offering and the proposed "finders fee"

d) it makes it look like management is doing something good by raising money in this tough environment (while many of my other stocks are breaking 52 week highs) at a price that is comparable to .80 non flow through shares; and making it look like they are so good at PP's that they accomplished this quickly (rumor is one day, done deal....which further demonstrates how much of a dead giveaway this really was)

e) they do not need to do a financing as they are all cashed up, but someone made them such a great offer that they just couldn't refuse at this time, because despite the upcoming PGE results and the current uptrend in commodity prices, and the prospects of expanding the deposit at depth, and the fact that they are on the cusp of a new discovery, what are the chances that they could ever get a higher price on any future PP

Since there weren't many posts....not much to read about, just thought I'd have a little fun with some Noront trivia....hope you enjoy.

Note: the opinions expressed above are those of my own and do not necessarily reflect those of other retail investors

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