Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

For those taking profit: Stop for now. Get in and stay around for a while. Noront is about to launch into $3.00 range, taking with it proximity companies. Both Noront and Fancamp are drilling and going for it, right now, bases loaded one out and pitcher about to execute a squeeze play, and all eyes are glued. Once there is a NR on a hit, Prb, Not, Fnc, Tbm, Spq, and Uc are going to light up the northern skies. I've got my Jaguar, now I want a house. Yes, I know my priorities are wrong. But you've got to live before you die.

Try this: Close your eyes, imagine you are investing 1.5 billion in infrastructure, open your eyes look at the claims map. Now ask yourself, are you hoping FNC and NOT find more ore or are you hoping they don't. I don't know the innerworkings of Cliffs or of any majors signing non-dislcosure agreements with Not, so answering this question is difficult.

I scrounged some interesting info. Perhaps the geos out there can lob some calls at Wes and Smith and get some technicals out there for us. I remember when I first got into the ROF, and personal messages were moving behind the scene and I wish I knew what was going on. Full disclosure: I've bought everything I can afford now.


Sum of Intel

posted on Apr 14, 10 12:39AM on Fancamp boards

Sum of information gathered from PM’s and phone calls:

Peter, Mike, Mac, (not sure about Hoy), met at Thunder Bay. They have not begun drilling, however they will begin tomorrow (wed) or the day after. When they do, it will be a 6 week program operating 24/7 up to 4000 meters. Peter thinks he’s identified a new conductivity target the size of 2 football fields. He said that the choices for targets will fluctuate as the probe reveals new information. Additional financing from the last NR cold facilitate this.

There seems to be a general spirit of cooperation in ROF, with Fancamp using Freewest/Cliffs camp and improved relations with Noront as Wes and Smith have begun a dialogue. There is mutual interest between both companies because a strike on either property will greatly increase the SP. Also UC’s Voisen and Peter are working on a FNC property.

Peter seems excited about locating a new conductive zone the size of two football fields. He’s working with top talent, himself, Mac, Mike Flanagan, Don Hoy, and John Harvey. Can anyone doubt the value of our property sitting next to the richest nickel strike since Voisey’s Bay and inside aband of chormite which Cliffs claims is the largest, richest discoveries perhaps of all time.In addition with our lack of dillusion (less the 50 million outstanding shares), a Freewest offer for chromite, would make the offer at 4 or 5 dollars per share.


I know this will provoke a lot of PM questions. Not personal if I don't repsond that day, I keep running out of PM’s allowed. Don't forget hitting the ratings vote so I can PM more.

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