Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

"There is no doubt that Noront is on to something at E1. The last NR stated that the "P"s are to come yet from the last drilling. Could also be in pods of Ps down deep. Be interesting to be sure.

I can't believe they attempted this take out with the one NR from E1. These guys are too sharp for that. The question then becomes: "What do they have?"

A Major in the wings, Funding from deep pockets or a super hit at E! or any combination of the above three."

Good thinking Don. The question for NOT from a strategic point of view is...what news do you release BEFORE you see a counter offer? If you put out the really good news, the sp of both cos goes up at a 4-1 ratio and the competition has a target to hit. So you withhold the good news until you see the counter offer and then decide what to release. Hmmmm very good thinking Don.

"This brings me to something else. I am hearing that things are not too rosy with the NOT BoD. Have you heard anything from around Sudbury way with regard to Parissotto? I've heard a few things, one of which is that he is gone! I think Wess also mentioned at the AGM something about "now the leak is plugged" or something to that effect."

I am very impressed with Wes based on his "FIRST 100 DAYS" goals and accomplishments. I give him credit for recognizing there is a problem with leaks from the top brass and for wanting to rectify the problem. I hear he has excluded certain executives and directors from the inner circle and from assay results. I hear Parrisotto is one of the ones excluded. I believe this change in "information flow" is what Wes was refering to.

The rumor was that Harvey was removed because he leaked info but I have no proof of that. But if it is true, then Parisotto could be gone as well. Besides Parisotto was brought in by the previous administration. But Wes works for the BoD not the other way around.I reserve comment on info emanating in Sudbury.

"Its funny that this is not being discussed on the NOT forum. It is a very serious situation and just shows how the NOT BoD displays character."

It seems there was a lot of bad will created by last years proxy battle. This bad will got worse while we had no CEO and some of the Directors were running things. But I sense that things are slowly improving since Wes took the helm.

For what it is worth, I am prepared to cut Wes a little slack until he has a chance to demonstrate his leadership and "CHARACTER". I was shocked that NOT made a hostile bid for FWR but this is high stakes poker. Besides we do not know what goes on behind the scenes. It is impossible for retail shareholders to know what is really going on.

I am not prepared to question Wes's character at this point. From what I have seen so far he is an honest guy...but don't forget business is business and the man at the top has to make difficult decisions. This is not a popularity is business.

Hey what do I know...very little really but you there it is.


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