Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

An adventure it was indeed.

I won't comment on anything about the meeting itself - self explanatory and obviously all great news. Too bad the share price keeps dropping, but I guess that's the market?

For me the most interesting and rewarding part of this evening came after the meeting.

Not sure if anyone remembers any of my previous posts but I am very pro BOD and management. If you disagree with me, I respect your opinion. This is mine.

I saw a few Agoracomers I recognized immediately after the meeting. (Ironically, it occurred to me afterward that all present and that I met I give 5 stars to) and said hello etc.

Blassutti - There were many people engaged in separate conversations. I have a friend that works with Darren Blassutti and took that as an avenue to introduce myself. From what I understood from my friend, he is a VERY respected man at Barrick, and he makes well....single decisions that have more impact than I may have in my lifetime - and that he was a great guy. Well, in my opinion he was exactly that.

Very warm, affable, and, uh...well.....he just seemed like a regular guy quite frankly. I explained to him that I was a retail investor and the first thing he did was akin himself to me. He admitted that when he first got in the mining business he would read on sites like Agoracom (if not agoracom) and read everything and anything he could. He also said that it's such a shame that there is so much misinformation that gets shared on these sites and in particular with THIS one how the NOT board often becomes vilified.

He mentioned how there is such incredible talent and vast experience at this company (NOT), such as _______, (can't remember the name) that it's (I'm paraphrasing now) - a shame that people (retail) can not understand or support what is really happening.

Another point he mentioned - and this is something that I myself have had a hard time grasping with how people post on this hub - was that they are basically just doing their jobs as they should and that with many junior mining co's the retail investors are simply getting way too much information that is likely not legal (again, I'm paraphrasing). And I cannot stress enough that his tone was very respectful of investors like us - just a shame and that he could relate because he used to be the exact same way.

Finally - he said that he and the rest of the board is devoting 25 hours per month to NOT. These guys are cranking it right now. This is in addition to what I can assure you is an extremely demanding and important job at Barrick. I believe an typical board seat amounts to 10-15 hours per month to give a reference point.

I loved meeting Darren. It was about 4-5 minutes but I got the sense that he is excited about NOT (he wasn't bitching about the 25 hrs a month), but personally I liked the fact that he took this time to chat, made me feel 100% comfortable and tried to relate to ME instead of the other way around.

Warren Irwin - the Devil himself. Muuhahahahah!! I'd met Irwin one other time and said hello. Again, and not to be a BOD groupie - I really like him. I'm post proxy, and I'm also progressive when I can be, so sorry if you want to hate this guy. I'll like him enough for the both of us.

I won't go into too many details about Irwin but I will say this. Don't hate the players - hate the game. Irwin is one of the best and brightest in the game (my opinion) and I have a TON of respect for him on that alone.

We chatted a bit about NOT. He talked about how incredible it is to have world class deposits in nickel, chromite and vanadium. He spoke a bit on vanadium and how we need to see how things flush out in the renewable battery market and that if vanadium comes out at the choice material that it would be a boon for NOT.

I asked him how NOT compares to the many other mining companies and home run scores he has hit in his career. He referred to the 3 WC deposits and think he said it's too soon to tell but he obviously has a passion for the ROF. I think he said something about selling chromite and how you basically can't sell it unless you're part of that group (or was that Wes...., dunno)

I asked him about the SP. He didn't care. He said the stock will be overvalued, undervalued - it doesn't really matter to him as I'm sure he's more focused on the end game or he has already devised his exit strategy.

I thought the most interesting spin during this conversation was that he mentioned how there is so much political turmoil in SA right now - something like 400 doctors leave every day or week or something like that? Anyways, if you read the papers like I used to I think it's quite apparent that South Africa is in near MELTDOWN. Now, obviously a terrible situation but this is a stock website. He said that they may try to nationlize the chromite production there which typically doesn't work - could be a boon for our chromite.

And for the record - I don't think Irwin pulls any strings at Noront anymore. His job is to make his clients money, not run mining companies.

Paul Semple - briefly met Paul in the elevator lobby. I had a relative who worked at SNC- Lavalin for a couple of years but made no connection there. Paul was again, a very NICE guy. All these people at NOT seem very down-to-earth! Don't know much about him, other than my 2 minute convo. I'd be curious to know if my relative remembers him from SNC. I'll see if I can report back.

Wes Hanson - there was a scrum around Wes, I shook his hand and gave him my name. We're old pals now as far as I'm concerned! A bunch of Agoracommers were asking various questions....'he mentioned that it was great that we would come up with theories etc and should continue to do so'. Someone suggested he come for a beer with us (awesome) and he kind of smiled and said that they still had a board meeting and lots of work to do.

I still can't help but feel Wes has not warmed up to the retail quite yet - and I think it's because that retail is the most aggressive in pursuing answers. Maybe I'm wrong but I think that Wes etc is from the TSX side, they tell everyone all the same info - what is legally allowed and the rest is moot. Kind of makes sense because every retail question doesn't seem to go anywhere.

Joe Badali's - The was a great crew over at the bar! Enjoyed seeing familiar faces and getting to know people a bit better. The beer helped. I took off to meet some friends downtown for an hour, came back to Badali's and many were still there. Conversation was great, very positive on NOT and other things.

Glorieux - Only saw him briefly but would like to reiterate a few things. I've only read a handful of posts since the AGM (so pardon all redundancies) but I second his one post that this stock has changed. Stock up, bundle up and get prepared for a long and bumpy ride. This is not a fly by night play anymore. I think the direction on this company is not to pump, pump, pump it's share price. It's to build shareholder VALUE, and probably for the long term. I for one was hoping that we'd be past $7 now but I have come to the cold conclusion that that is not realistic. Hopefully we'll get some legs soon, but in the meantime....

Also, that I see lately he occasionally becomes a target on this hub. Now, I know he doesn't require anyone to defend his opinions - the green thumbs are are sufficient, but rarely does he get verbal support. When he writes, they are almost 100% invariably either my own thoughts or thoughts I like - so I'd like to say thanks for putting them out there so frequently - it is very appreciated over here.

Thomas Weisel - Just remembered I saw someone post the Weisel bought 50,000 shares or something like that? I actually chatted to another pal that works at TW early this by coincidence. Just a catch up email and I asked if he'd heard of NOT and told him the whole story and how I was so bloody involved with every minor freakin detail. Anyways, I was pleased to here that he had and obviously even more pleased to see them buying in this week!

(and for those who believe that rampant insider trading occurs, there is no way in hell this guy would ever tell me anything that could be construed as advice or information that could get either of us - particularly him - in hot water)

The HOOV - Well...I secretly did have a hidden agenda for this AGM. I wanted to make sure that I got to meet the man himself. You see, I am much less interested in WHAT Hoov knows than I am in HOW he happens to know so much about absolutely everything.

I also wanted to buy the man a beer. He brings a lot to the table and I thought it would be a nice gesture. I kid you not, when I asked him if he wanted a beer and he said 'yes' - I asked him what kind he would like......I was almost dead certain he was going to say, "I don't always drink beer, but what when I do....I prefer Dos Equis'. Much to my surprise, it was a Guiness. (Hoov, please look up Dos Equis commercials on-line)

I was extremely fortunate enough to score an empty seat across from him and got to ask him his 'Story'. It was most certainly a treat. I think we are very fortunate to not only have someone here who has an insatiable thirst for finding answers, but also has passion for sharing this information. I quite believe there are not many like him, that he has more lived more than his share of lives and he is indeed deserving of the 'Most Interesting Man in the World' title...

Thanks for chat, Hoov. You are priceless.


(and again, these are the first 2 days I haven't read many posts so sorry for redundancy)

(and also....I can't remember who but I definitely remember someone saying this could be the tip of the iceberg....dammitall, let's hope so)

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