Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

Wanted to post before today, but was very busy the last few days. Sorry if this information is just repeating some things which have already been reported. Please correct me if you find any information in error.

I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the NOT luncheon, and wanted to forward my thoughts, and information I learned there as well. Having never been to one of these functions before, it was all a new experience. My intentions are to begin posting more often, but only when there is something worthwhile to say or discuss.

I met Wes Hanson while conversing with a group of fellow posters at the reception. Joanne Jobin asked him to come over and greet us, which he did, shaking our hands and chatting with us. I have to say I like him. After reading about him becoming the new CEO, and reading posts of others who had contacted/conversed with him, I thought that he would be a good man for the job. It was good to have my thoughts confirmed. I also was impressed with Joanne and am liking her more as well. She has a tough job to do and IMO is getting better at it.

Thoughts such as the following come to mind:

Wonderful acknowledgement of Richard Nemis and his achievements with NOT,

World class deposits, not only 1 but 3,

Wes has never seen anything like it,

The inter-active website which they have planned for the future is impressive, (I at least have never seen anything like it). This tells me they are working to keep all investors up to date with drill hole and other information. Good.

The NOT BOD is interested in ALL investors,

The deposit is STILL open along stike and to depth,

They are talking about mining it themselves, (possibly just making it look that way MO, but that is OK).

I was introduced to Richard Nemis earlier and was able to speak with him briefly before I left. I asked him if he could clarify a statement which he had made much earlier when he was still the CEO, before the proxy battle. He said that the McFauld's Lake area is 3 times the size of Sudbury. I had wrongly thought that he also meant that it was full of nickel as well (like Sudbury). But no, he was just saying that the total area was 3 times the size of Sudbury. Now that certainly doesn' t mean that there may be no nickel deposits at other locations throughout the ring of fire area. The belief is that most of the finds will be along the ROF fault line or in close proximity to it.

Now for the interesting part. As most already know, they have found nickel, copper, chromite, platinum, paladium, zinc, etc. Diamonds are known to be in the area and gold (in pods) could also be possible. The thinking is that McFauld's Lake could be Canada's next major mining camp. Camp meaning in a sense, a one stop shopping centre for all a major's mineral needs (my words not Richards).

I am a NOT long and have owned NOT for many years. The reason I have held it so long is because of Richard and his integrity. That has grown since speaking with him Thursday.

I believe everyone already understands this but I want to say it regardless. Everyone must be responsible for their own due diligence and make investment decisions based on their own choices, not on my advice or opinions or on that of others. I will not be held responsible for other's investment decisions.

For those of you who wanted to know why my name tag said Agorocom under my name, I really do not know. I got a few funny looks from people, and didn't notice that it said Agorocom until somebody pointed it out later on. No other poster on this forum was identified that way to my knowledge. Interesting.

It was good meeting many of the Agorocom posters at last, especially at the Irish Pub afterwards. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and speaking with many of you. We have a great group here. I look forward to everyone's posts and getting to know all of you better as time goes on. It was also good to meet Jim Voison and speak with him. IMO UC Resources has great potential.


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