Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to notster's message

NOT decides to stop further drilling on other sites to focus solely on eagle 1 and its reserves. they know that they now have sufficient findings to make a mine.

so it would be interesting to discover if they now consider themselves more a developer of a mine than an exploration company since they have acknowledged they have triple the previously known reserves.

initial news of that philosophical change would probably have an interesting effect on the share price. and it means the price could stay stable for a long time as funds go into making a facility.

i guess i for one would have to look long/hard at my reasons for being in not. i know i originally wanted 'instant' gains as i'm sure others did too.

if not decides to change its philosophy in the rof, it might take a long time to reach previous highs. there may be others in the rof that will still explore and hence be more like the former not's share price.

and who will wake up crazy dick?

anyway, if not stops drilling on other sites ,then that could signal their intent to build a facility and do no more exploring in the rof except for eagle 1.

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