Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)

Good Evening Noront

Much time has passed and our Mcfaulds faithful continue on.

I wonder if some of our friends will one day return to AGO. I realise there is more to the story HERE... .but, as Martin Armstrong might say, "It's only time." Aside, I'd suggest all who aren't acquainted with Martin Armstrong's work, do so shortly.

D12. We all miss you. Derek, you are a leader.

There are more who are less frequent... Canseco... my old friend... Also, there are some smart asses we miss... when you are ready, open arms, for all of you. Also, Franz... To the regulars, keep on going, hoov, dp, qq, kareema, old joe, there are many more.. thank you for your leadership and contribution.

Hole 49 under Eagle One is as good of a reason for all of us to reconcile.

Aside, I composed a piece on May 30, 2008, "Chrome is where the heart is." As the title stated, my thought was Chrome would be the money maker.

Also, and more importantly, at least in my eyes, I announced my wife had given birth to a son... Well, a year has passed and my boy is 1... he's healthy and has daddy's sense of humor... He's got commanding eyes...

I remember my wife being pregnant with him when the NOT/ Mcfaulds story broke.... I surely didn't think I'd have to wait for a second birthday for the fireworks to go off on this story... nothing is easy, I'm prepared to wait as long as it takes to prove this story is the real thing.

For those that bought above $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, --- I suppose suggesting $0.70 looks like a nice dollar cost average is like the pot calling the kettle black...., especially with the June 29 release.

The days go by and spring turns to summer... and summer... hold on, turns into a hit below Eagle 1. What year is it and why did this take so long. I jest. Business has just picked up.

If the resources at Mcfaulds only get mined via the nickel, I think there is a great possibility NOT has just put the toll bridge up for everyone. We'll have to wait for all assays this coming summer, but, this is promising.

Can we use Eagle 2 and 3 have landed for the pods beneath Eagle 1.... or are they Eagle 1.2 and 1.3...?

As I see it, the chrome resource between FWR and NOT is of great significance... by that I mean, the real asset here. If we can get a few more nickel pods/ Eagles in NOT's case, or as FWR might call them, Thrud, Sif, or just plain Thunder. We will all be laughing, yet breathing as sigh of relief for the pain of having to hold on through this.

As a reminder, this is what put us on the map!


Hole NOT-07-01 partial assay results, 36 meters averaging 1.84% nickel, 1.53% copper, more resultsto follow

Hole NOT-07-05 encounters massive chalcopyrite (copper sulphide), pyrrhotite (iron +/- nickel

Hole NOT-04-05, observed to be the most significant hole to date, was positioned 50 meters to thenortheast of Holes NOT-07-01 and 02 and was drilled vertically at the peak of a magnetic anomaly toascertain the magnetic body’s more precise location. After 6 meters of overburden and one meter oflimestone, peridotite with interstitial chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and pentlandite was encountered to a core depthof 47.4 meters. Between 47.4 and 112.6 meters massive chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and pentlandite wasobserved. Then from 112.6 to 123.3 meters peridotite with interstitial chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite wasobserved. Between 123.3 and 124.4 meters, another massive section of chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite andpentlandite was observed. The hole then remained in peridotite until 127.4 meters core length, then enteredgranodiorite until the end of the hole at 143.4 meters.

When Wes makes the statment below, it makes me think we might just be on to something special. This is a new CEO that will be judged quickly if he says something misleading... I think he is leading us down the golden path to OZ.

Wes Hanson, President and CEO notes that "we are extremely encouraged by the latest drill results at Eagle One which suggest significant potential to increase the previously estimated resource at Eagle One. Hole NOT-09-049, drilled down the mineralized structure at Eagle One, proves that high grade nickel, copper, PGE mineralization continues well below the previously interpreted resource limit.

NOT/FWR faithful... we are here together and our individual success leads to mutual success. Competition is great, in the end, this pie gets eaten by a much bigger fish... keep drilling boys, and figure out how to get the most out of this parcel for all stakeholders.



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