Noront Resources

High-grade Ni-Cu-Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Rh-Cr-V discoveries in the "Ring of Fire" NI 43-101 Update (March 2011): 11.0 Mt @ 1.78% Ni, 0.98% Cu, 0.99 gpt Pt and 3.41 gpt Pd and 0.20 gpt Au (M&I) / 9.0 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inf.)
in response to LTGoldBull2's message

Here’s a more comprehensive list of Holes outstanding (19) for assays to come, location and the intersected mineralization that we know of. Nothing yet on JV drilling.


Cu Copper mineralization, typically chalcopyrite (cp)

Mt Magnetite

Ni Nickel mineralization, typically pentlandite (pn)

Cr Chromite mineralization

po Pyrrhotite, a sulphide mineral Semi-massive Sulphide mineralization, predominantly po, pn, Cu

py Pyrite, a sulphide mineral Int Intermittent

Hole ID Mineralization (meters)

NOT-08-1G52(B1) 394.0 - 398.0 (mt, py, po, Cu)

402.0 - 406.5 (po, py, Cu)

578.5 - 579.5 (Cr bed)

NOT-08-1G56(E2) 156.4 - 161.9 (minor py)

163.4 - 170.9 (minor py)

174.3 - 178.2 (minor py)

NOT-08-1G57(B2) 152.5 – 170.4 (semi massive to massive chromite)

173.3 – 188.5 (disseminated to massive chromite)

362.5 – 417.7 (intermittent chromite, dissem to massive)

NOT-08-1G58(E2 /B2) 189.8 - 202.2 (po, cp, pn)

248.5 - 250.7 (short massive chrome beds)

296.7 - 299.4 (short massive chrome beds)

330.5 - 371.2 (several narrow massive chrome beds)

NOT-08-1G59(B2) 127.6 – 129.6 (disseminated chromite)

175.6 – 177.1 (dis to massive chromite)

NOT-08-1G60(E2/B2) 370.0 - 373.8 (veinlets cp, po, trace pn)

379.0 - 382.3 (veinlets cp, po, pn, semi-massive)

382.3 - 387.3 (diss po, cp, pn)

NOT-08-1G61(B2) 280.4 297.75 semimassive cr

336.0 339.0 interm diss cr

345.0 357.6 diss massive cr

369.0 370.7 diss massive cr

375.0 417.2 diss mass cr

451.8 455.5 diss cr

465.0 468.6 diss cr

501.0 504.0 interm semi mass cr

504.0 535.6: massive cr

NOT-08-1G62 (E2/B2) 441.8 - 442.2 (diss po, cp)

705.0 - 713.0 (diss semi mass chrome)

713.8 - 714.3 (diss po, cp, pn)

722.9 - 726.0 (diss - semi mass chrome)

734.0 - 736.0 (mass - semi mass chrome)

NOT-08-1G64(B2) 504.0 -509.0: interm cr

509.0 - 537.2: massive cr

537.2 - 540.3: interm cr

NOT-08-1G65(B2) 123.3 – 133.6: interm cr

189.0 -234.2: interm cr

362.6 – 398.5: interm cr

438.2 - 438.4: massive cr

NOT-08-1G69(B2) 156.4-159.2: massive cr

160.7-168.5 massive cr

168.5-226.5: dissem cr

261-267: diss to massive cr

267-280: diss cr

280-378.5: diss - massive cr

418-422: semi massive cr

609.14-611.8 : massive cr

NOT-08-1G70(B2) 140.0 - 145.5: semi-massive - mass cr

146.1 - 149.7: interm cr beds

161.9 - 162.2: mass - semi mass cr

220.1 - 221.5: interm cr layers

226.5 - 241.5 interm cr layers

261.4 - 265.4: interm cr layers

337.5 - 342.0: interm cr layers

NOT-08-1G71(B2) 443.5 - 448.3 intermittent dissem to semi massive cr beds

552.0 - 559.4 two short 9<1m) dissem to massive cr beds

580.6 - 582.0 dissem cr

NOT-08-1G72(B2) 298.2 - 314.0 25 intermittent (<25 cm) cr beds

432.9 - 435.2 massive cr

435.2 - 439.0 dissem cr with short massive cr beds

439.0 - 446.2 intermittent cr beds (one short massive cr bed)

NOT-08-1G73(B2) 11.8 19.8 minor cr clasts

52.1 57.9 rare cr clasts

NOT-08-2G11(AT-12) 122.7-169.4 (46.7m) Mineralized Peridotite

disseminated with intermittent massive to semi-massive

bands iron, copper, nickel sulphides

NOT-08-2G12(AT-12) 189.2—233.1 (43.9m) Mineralized Peridotite

disseminated with intermittent massive to semi-massive

bands iron, copper, nickel sulphides

NOT-08-44(E1) 294.2-301.6 (7.4m) diss.sulphides, minor coppernickel

301.6-315.7(14.1m) massive sulphides with copper, nickel

315.7-322.7 (7.0m) diss. sulphides, minor copper nickel

Cheers, Mark

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