Normabec Mining Resources

advanced projects Mexico - Silver // Canada - Gold

According to the management I talked with at the Vancouver show, they will have a NR tomorrow that will annouced a summary of the pending 43-101 that is completed and should be released this month.

They are working on just one vein (Veta Madre) of a multiple vein deposit that has historical production of 230 Million OZ silver. I have posted a section that displays what the drilling since September 2007 has revealed. The company was displaying this polygon model of their exploration drilling at the Vancouver show.

The company was extensively covered by Dr. Michael Berry in his presentation at the show and he indicated that he was going for a property visit in 2 weeks. Dr. Berry covers what he describes as "Discovery" securities in many sectors, mining just being one of those sectors.

To do your DD please go to their website and look through the companies latest PowerPoint Presentation and you will get a taste of what they have done so far and what I see as a HUGE upside potential for this deposit.

Not only have they just drilled on one of the veins on the property, they have discovered new vein systems as well. The Veta Madre Vein was not the vein that was mined by the last owner.

Normabec has done surface sampling of known veins and what impresses me are not only the grades of this sampling but also the continuity of those grades over the strike length and the width of the veins.

The current exploration focus is the Veta Madre vein and all of the drilling has been done on that vein. One intercept was 106 OZ per ton over 4.3 meters.

What is special is that most of the historic underground workings are still open and stable. Because of this they are able to drill underground and have shown that the Veta Madre vein is open at depth and between the historic workings. They reported to me that their results indicate the the previous mining efforts focused on the high-grade core of the portion of the veins mined and that significant mineralization extends meters into the wall rock of the existing mine workings.

Please do your homework and look at the company's published data. The news release scheduled for tomorrow should be exciting and show multiple tens of million ounces in the upcoming 43-101 resource estimate. This is just the beginning for Normabec, IMHO.

Not investment advice, do your own DD. I have a position in the company, so take that into consideration as you analyze their data and "blue sky".

I have no relationship with Normabec, have not been paid anything by them, have not been promised anything by them, just betting on the increase in SP as they continue their work.

More later

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Normabec Mining Resources
79,625,418 FD Dec. 8 2008
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