Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves
in response to glenfidish's message

Hi Glenfidish:

I just got a chance to get up to speed on the various comments. I want to be very clear. Sudbury Novice's points are the very same points I would have posted. His credibility and acumen are without question.

One of the problems with starting a shareholder action is that people don't want to hear certain things. When they hear them and they don't agree they break ranks and you immediately lose your power base. What we need to be doing is presenting all information as we know it, even if it isn't favorable. You need to have realistic expectations based on Valuations that are commonly accepted by industry......not pie in the sky dreams.....IMO this company is worth about 1.20 to 130 a share......sorry if you don't like it , but that's the number I come to! It is unlikely that we will reach that unless we see another bidder. To come out of this as a win for retail I would expect a number around $1.00 is reasonable. We need to get to that number by having the Arbitrager's trade us at that. Every other number is nonsense! Arbitrage are the true valuators of a bid......the others are dreamers, speculators and short's! right now that number seems to be below 60 cents. THERE IS NO DEAL HERE AND EVERYONE INCLUDING wtg KNOW'S THIS.

To effectively put together a coalition of Retail shareholders you will need a team of at least 6 or seven captains who represent the interests of retail shareholders. The 2 best minds from Igloo! the two most realistic people on Stockhouse and the two most respected people on Agora! add up the shareholders and shares they can bring to the table and sit down with WTG, CMM and the 5 big CMM shareholders and work out a deal>

Then EVERYONE has to back that deal even if you don't think it is the best deal in the world!

Can you do that?....................The only good deals are those where everyone walks away equally happy....or, everyone walks away equally this case I guarantee you it must be the latter, as the former isn't possible.

Do you want to be the guy doing the negotiating?,,,,,,,,,,,I doubt one will thank you!

Sudbury Novice is right....he is being realistic!.....he has a large amount of shares and he is speaking with his head ....not his heart. Money has no doesn't care.....all of you do..and that is the biggest stumbling block!....Calling someone a crook or a thief and then sitting down to work out a deal, puts you behind the eight ball from the git-go.......we are adults and we need to start acting that way....this is business....nothing else!...jmo..carry

PS. My money and 650,000 shares would be on Hoov, Glori or SN and I'll sign my proxy and never question the outcome!

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