Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves
in response to Optionsgal's message

"Each of us are entitled to our own opinion, but to throw a senior member, under a bus, because you don't agree with his/her thoughts is harsh"

I very much appreciate the complements and the undeserved as they may be.

However I sense that there may have been a misinterpretation of my original post.

I was very careful not to mention my source of information but it was from someone that is in a position to know more about what is going on at CMM than any of us.

In fact all I was doing was reiterating what I was told , not expressing my own opinion. I believe I made my own opinions clearly evident during the question and answer period of the conference call.

I think positive carry said it best....this deal will not fly and they will have to make a better offer or somehow ensure that CMM shareholders get better value for their CMM shares.

As Larry Hoover has sense getting all shook up until we see the contents of the document we receive. It will be quite thick and we will be forced to try to make sense of it. They will have to explain why they think CMM share holders should value WTG paper. We are certainly less than convinced thus far.

I am as frustrated as anyone else with this offer. Frankly I thought Daniel Major and Geoffrey Cowley insulted our intelligence by not answering any of our questions and in some cases being less than honest. I was tempted to get the mike for a third time and ask them why they bothered to have the Conference CAll.

Frankly their feeble attempts to explain where the value was in WTG left me frustrated and I am sure it did all of you. As if an open pit producing 21,000 ounces of gold, a mine that will not come into production until 2014, a bunch of moose pasture and a listing on the big board should make us all start buying WTG?

Again the question that Larry Hoover asked and did not get a proper answer to was the key question. How does a company that was valued at $.28 in December when they convinced the TSE to list them suddenly overnight become worth much more with no other news?

I was talking to Yukon Cornelius last night and he has some very pertinent questions that he intends to send to Major and Cowley. I will see if he will agree to post them on this forum.

This is far from over so don't lose faith. Ther will be a mother of a battle if they don't improve their offer.

Thanks again for the continued support.


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