New Guinea Gold

New Guinea Gold is the next big gold producer New Gold Producer in Papua New Guinea with approx 1 million ozs in gold equivilant resources, and targets exceeding 5 millions ozs
May 25, 2009
New Guinea Gold Corporation: Additional Oxide Gold Zones Defined at Sinivit Mine
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 25, 2009) - New Guinea Gold Corporation (TSX VENTURE:NGG)(FRANKFURT:NG8) -

Two additional oxide gold zones, not included in present resources, have been discovered at the Sinivit Mine.

Bob McNeil, CEO and Chairman, commented: "These zones, known as the Eastern and Western Veins were located during pit excavation and grade control drilling. Neither zone is as yet fully defined, and exploration is continuing. Mining of these zones should add to the expected life of the oxide gold mine."

The Eastern Vein, which is adjacent to the northern end of the Southern Oxide Pit (see site plan in presentation at, has been defined over an approximate 200m strike length, and is presently defined by the better results below. Further trenching is currently in progress.

RC Drilling:
              SGC0133        2m at 8.03 g/t gold
              SGC0206        2m at 18.60 g/t gold

Diamond Drilling:
              09WDD129       from 2.5 to 12.3m 9.8m at 13.30 g/t gold
                             incl. 3.0m at 24.10 g/t gold

              2m at 4.08 g/t gold & 2m at 3.81 g/t gold

The Western Vein dips shallowly west (at surface) and is adjacent to the 
northern end of the Southern Oxide pit and the present crushing pad (also 
see site plan in presentation at The dimensions of 
the Western Vein still remain to be defined, but would appear to have a 
strike length of at least 200m.

Summary of some of the better results:
RC Drilling:
              CGC0018        4m at 22.85 g/t gold
              CGC0028        2m at 15.30 g/t gold
              CGC0035        2m at 14.65 g/t gold
              CGC0074        16m at 4.95 g/t gold
              CGC0075        2m at 21.40 g/t gold

Diamond Drilling:
              87WDD028       7.4m at 2.96 g/t gold
                             incl. 0.4m at 13.50 g/t gold
              87WDD035       2.2m at 9.15 g/t gold

              2m at 32.50 g/t gold & 2m at 27.60 g/t gold
              (these trench samples are over 100m apart along strike)

Grab Samples:
              0.60, 1.42, 8.28, 2.47, 0.42, 2.80, 0.25, 1.65, 1.79, 20.67,
              2.60, 0.36, 11.06, 0.54, 2.75, 1.65, 2.23, 24.90
              (all g/t gold).

Note: The true thickness of drill intersections above is uncertain, but 
are likely to vary between 50% and 80% of the quoted intersection.
An update of the Sinivit Mine status is expected to be released in early June 2009.

RC samples were partly prepared at site by splitting to approximately 3 kgs. Further preparation and analysis is completed at accredited laboratory, ALS Chemex laboratories, in Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Drill core is logged and split (all by saw) on site with half core being dispatched to, and assayed by accredited laboratory ALS-Chemex in Townsville, Australia. In house and laboratory standards are used for quality control plus regular check sample assaying. Trench samples are continuous channel samples, in either one or two metre intersects. Usually about 3kg is collected and prepared and assayed at ALS - Chemex in Townsville, Australia.

The information in this release was prepared under the direction of Robert D. McNeil a Fellow of the Australia Institute of Mines and Metallurgy and a "qualified person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr McNeil has read and approves the information contained herein.

Full details of the Sinivit Project are described in an Independent N1 43-101 report dated January 2006 which is available at

For further information on this release or on other NGG projects contact Forbes West toll free at 888 655 5532, email or Judith O'Quinn at 604 662 3598, email or access our website -


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