Metalex Ventures

strategic Canadian and international projects "Explorations In Canada, Greenland, Angola, Mali and Morocco"
KELOWNA, BC, April 14 /CNW/ - Metalex Ventures Ltd. (TSXV : MTX) ("Metalex", the "Company") is pleased to report preliminary macro diamond results from the fourth of 11 holes from the 9.3 hectare U2 kimberlite pipe on the Metalex - Arctic Star Diamond Corp. (TSXV : ADD) joint venture in the James Bay lowlands, Ontario.

Primary recovery of diamonds from the fourth hole is now complete. The hole contains 300 commercial sized stones (greater than 0.425mm) including the previously reported 0.72 carat diamond.

The diamonds recovered to date in the fourth hole (U2-RC-05) are as follows:

Depth Sampled Diamonds Sampled Grade
From To Interval Material # Ct Weight
(m) (m) (m) (kg) (cpht)
0 60 60 Overburden, limestone crater infill with small sections with up to 40% kimberlite - low grade 8 0.059 12,194 0.5
60 75 15 Crater-kimberlite transition with high country rock content (7 to 60%) - very high grade 11 0.842 2,764 31.4
75 105 30 Kimberlite - low grade 18 0.040 5,208 2.1
105 180 75 Kimberlite - high grade 100 1.727 11,458 15.1
180 270 90 Kimberlite - moderate grade 76 0.694 10,038 6.9
270 342 72 Kimberlite - moderate to high grade 87 0.752 7,414 10.1

Audit sample results from this hole have not yet been received which could improve the above grades.

The size distribution of the diamonds is very coarse with a high proportion of the diamonds being in the large size categories. This is important for a high average carat value. The following table contains the size distribution of the diamonds recovered and described to date:

Hole Sieve Sizes (Through / On) Total
0.6mm 0.85mm 1.18mm 1.7mm 2.36mm 3.35mm 4.75mm
0.425mm 0.6mm 0.85mm 1.18mm 1.7mm 2.36mm 3.35mm
U2-RC-02 61 81 56 24 4 3 - 229
U2-RC-03 50 121 79 38 12 1 1 302
U2-RC-04 29 96 68 21 10 2 1 227
U2-RC-05 58 137 65 30 6 3 1 300
Total 198 435 268 113 32 9 3 1,058

Characterization of the colour of all natural diamonds recovered and described to date from the first four holes are presented in the following table:

Hole White Yellow Green Pink Brown Grey Total
# # # # # # #
U2-RC-02 97 20 2 0 40 70 229
U2-RC-03 121 26 1 2 84 68 302
U2-RC-04 134 14 0 3 20 56 227
U2-RC-05 172 25 2 0 35 66 300
Total 524 85 5 5 179 260 1,058

To date, as presented in the above table, 49.5% of the diamonds are white; 24.6% are grey; 16.9% are brown; 8% are yellow; 0.5% are pink and 0.5% are green. The proportion of white diamonds continues to improve with increasing diamond size. Of the 44 largest diamonds (greater than 1.7mm), 30 are white, 1 is yellow, 8 are grey and 5 are brown. By weight, white diamonds comprise 59.5% of the parcel and yellow, pink and green diamonds comprise 6.7%.

Metalex is most encouraged by the recovery of two 0.72 carat diamonds from the first four holes of the bulk sample. As shown in the photographs on display on the Company's website (, many of the large diamonds recovered to date from the very large 9.3 hectare U2 kimberlite are spectacular. Furthermore, the high proportion of white and coloured diamonds is exceptional.



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