Mega Uranium

Globally Exploring, Acquiring, Drilling The Uranium Leader
March 3, 2009
Mega Uranium Ltd.: Update on Exploration Activities in Cameroon

- Kitongo drill intersections include 3.4 meters @ 0.10% U3O8, 3 meters @ 0.13% U3O8 and 41.9 meters @ 468 ppm U3O8

- Grab sample results of 324 - 8293 ppm U3O8 at Salaki

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 3, 2009) - Mega Uranium Ltd. (TSX:MGA) ("Mega") is pleased to provide an update on exploration activities in its Kitongo Project in Cameroon. Mega owns 92% of Mega Uranium Cameroon plc, which has three projects consisting of six concessions with a total area of 4654 km2. A map showing the locations of Mega's property interests in Cameroon can be found in its website

Kitongo Project

The Kitongo Project in central Cameroon comprises four adjacent concessions - Poli (1018km2), Salaki (811km2), Voko (402km2) and Gouna (347km2).

Kitongo Concession

1. Kitongo Prospect

In the Kitongo Concession, a first pass program of 11 diamond core holes (total 1253 meters) was drilled along a 300 meter strike length of the ENE-trending Kitongo Fault Scarp, which marks the contact between the Kitongo Granite and Poli Group metasediments of Middle Proterozoic age. The holes were drilled at various angles and azimuths to investigate the geological and structural controls of uranium mineralisation intersected in two adits and 14 drill holes in 1983/84 by the German Federal Institute for Geoscience and Natural Resources. Of Mega's 11 holes, 9 made intersections of greater than 1 meter intervals at a 200 ppm U3O8 cut-off, as listed in Table 1 below. Of these, the best intersections were 19.9 meters @ 552 ppm U3O8 in hole KIT001, 12.8 meters @ 506 ppm U3O8 in KIT005 and 41.9 meters @ 468 ppm U3O8 in KIT006. At a 500 ppm U3O8 cut-off, 7 holes made intersections of greater than 1 meter (Table 2), the best intersections being in hole KIT005 (3.4 meters @ 0.10% U3O8 and 3.0 meters @ 0.13% U3O8) and hole KIT006 (1.8 meters @ 0.18% U3O8 and 1.6 meters @ 0.10% U3O8). As yet the true widths represented by these intersections have not been determined.

The holes show that the uranium mineralisation is concentrated in zones of albitised granite lying parallel to the ENE-trending Kitongo fault and also along crosscutting faults of a NW trend. Drilling programs are now being planned to test these two targets elsewhere along the Kitongo Fault scarp.

2. Mayo Nielse Prospect

In the Mayo Nielse prospect, located 7 kilometers north of the Kitongo mineralisation, 6 diamond core holes (total 996.6 meters) were drilled from two drill pads, 250 meters apart, to investigate an airborne radiometric anomaly within a sequence of Upper Cambrian/Lower Ordovician conglomeratic sandstones and conglomerates which dip southwards at 35-40 degrees. The only intersection of any economic significance was 15 meters @ 297 ppm U3O8 from 68.4-83.4 meters in hole MN004, which was drilled from the western drill pad. Further drilling is planned to test the possible extension of this mineralisation to the west.

TABLE 1: Kitongo - Intersections of greater than I meter at a 200ppm U3O8
Hole                 Angle     E of H     From       To    Width     ppmU3O8
                                   (m)      (m)      (m)      (m)
KIT001         -45 degrees      290.3        0     19.9     19.9         552
KIT002         -90 degrees       29.3        0      2.4      2.4         423
                                           8.4     17.7      9.3         584
KIT003         -20 degrees      165.1        0     12.7     12.7         437
KIT004         -45 degrees      200.4     67.6     68.8      1.2         221
KIT005         -90 degrees       35.8     13.2     14.3      1.1         291
                                          17.0     29.8     12.8         506
                                          41.0     44.6      3.6        1135
KIT006         -32 degrees      137.1     48.7     50.9      2.2        1548
                                          61.5     66.9      5.4         605
                                          90.8    132.7     41.9         468
                                         165.3    172.3      7.0         223
KIT007         -45 degrees       59.2     13.6     15.4      1.8         735
KIT010          horizontal      142.8      7.9      9.1      1.2         351
                                          12.4     13.8      1.4         401
                                          52.2     53.8      1.6        1241
KIT011         -45 degrees      110.0      8.5     15.7      7.2         275
                                          53.3     54.7      1.4         209
                                          57.5     58.5      1.0         216

TABLE 2: Kitongo - Intersections of greater than 1 meter at a 500ppm U3O8
Hole                 Angle     E of H     From       To    Width     ppmU3O8
                                   (m)      (m)      (m)      (m)
KIT001         -45 degrees      290.3        0      1.9      1.9         887
                                           7.9     14.3      6.4         673
                                          16.2     17.9      1.7         617
KIT002         -90 degrees       29.3     10.2     15.1      4.9         799
KIT003         -20 degrees      165.1      2.7      3.9      1.2         643
                                           8.7     11.7      3.0         681
KIT005         -90 degrees       35.8     23.7     27.1      3.4        1000
                                          41.6     44.6      3.0        1276
KIT006         -32 degrees      137.1     49.1     50.9      1.8        1834
                                          61.7     63.9      2.2         500
                                          65.1     66.7      1.6        1029
                                          97.7     98.7      1.0         787
                                         108.2    112.6      4.4         765
                                         114.5    117.3      2.8         996
                                         123.9    127.3      3.4         843
                                         129.3    130.5      1.2         614
KIT007         -45 degrees       59.2     13.6     15.4      1.8         735
KIT010          horizontal      142.8     52.2     53.8      1.6        1241
Salaki Concession

In the Salaki prospect, located 22 kilometers WSW of the Kitongo mineralisation, a program of geological mapping and ground radiometrics was conducted over a prominent radiometric anomaly detected in Mega's detailed airborne magnetic-radiometric survey of the area in 2007. The work delineated a 500 meter long zone of elevated radiometric values of 100 to 12000 cps in brecciated basic volcanics and volcaniclastic sediments along a major NW-trending fracture. Ten representative grab samples of the various lithologies in the prospect assayed in the range 324-8293 ppmU3O8. A program of trenching is underway to provide more detailed information for the design of drill holes.


1. All the samples from the Kitongo, Mayo Nielse and Salaki prospects were analysed by inductively coupled plasma spectrometry at the OMAC Laboratories (a member of the Alex Stewart Assayers Group) in Loughrea, County Galway, Republic of Ireland.

Stewart Taylor, Mega's President and Qualified Person under NI43-101, is responsible for this release and has verified the contents disclosed.

About Mega Uranium

Mega Uranium Ltd. is a Toronto-based mineral resources company with a focus on uranium properties in Australia, Canada, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Mongolia and Cameroon. Further information on Mega can be found on the company's website at Mega Uranium's Ben Lomond and Maureen uranium resources are subject to a Queensland State Government policy that presently prohibits the mining of uranium.
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