Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to sailorman's message

No offence intended Sailorman and I hope you dont take any, but at an annual salary of approx $100K per year I guess Mr. Sasha has got to be good at convincing others that he is sincere and doing his best. I get really annoyed when what appears to be underserving unqualified people are paid such film star wages. In a previous post I inquired of Frank what qualifications annd experience Sasha possessed in order to deserve this kind of money and what he contributed towards the advancement of our share price - I havent yet received an answer. I'm not holding my breath either. The muted rumble of revolt that we hear here has to reach a crescendo before this well entrenched and complacement management will take notice.

I'm concerned about the share price but I took my chances when I bought this company's stock, and I can live with my decision. But I do not condone nepotism and I would like to know why Sasha is paid so much. I also own some Goldbullion Development stock and recd their notice of AGM today. It was heartening to read that no one in that company, from the CEO, to the CFO, to its Directors is paid a cent in wages. They get stock options but no salary. And that is how the majority of other companies on the TSX operate too.

Why is Sasha paid close to $100K in wages? We deserve to know the reason.

And why is the company going to PDAC? When money is tight, how is this expensive justified. When we have nothing to report what can we gain by manning a booth in Toronto. Or is this another all expense paid junket?

Brgds - BW.

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