Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to Skier59's message

Skier, you posted,"The other thing, I have not seen another company report every single meter drilled the way we did, they mix it all together and throw in the famous "including" couple of lines. That seems to be accepted and the norm."

My thought on that is that these "other" companies are using a lot of HYPE in their advertising and it is suggested here that we are not. I agree. We are not using a lot of hype to get our share price up... OK, so, why? My theory on that one is easy. IF you have the deposit (hydraulic fracturing) and IF you have enough evidence to KNOW that, then hype is not necessary. The deposit will be the deposit and we will be rewarded in due course, MY OPINION of course. And no, I am not going to use the patience word, it has been used enough already. That being said, a "LITTLE" hype to get our share price up to minimize dilution would certainly be acceptable, in MY opinion. When we "need" to raise funds, perhaps a little hype wouldn't be all that bad.

Second, people are concerned about our Swiss friends buying shares, will they be doing it on the open market or in a PP of some form. Here, my thought is only a happy thought. If they buy any shares, then they are convinced that this company will go UP in their stock price. Nobody buys shares to sell them at a lower price, nobody. If they buy shares, it doesn't matter TO ME how they buy them, as long as they DO buy them. Hey, if YOU were from Switzerland and wanted to buy shares, wouldn't YOU want to get them as cheaply as you can? So let's not hope that these 'new buyers' rocket the share price up... I'm sure that they would like to have some "cheaper" shares too. Just like you and I have that same opportunity right now if we had the money and confidence to do that (sorry, I am out of money :-{ ). So, when these people get their shares, the deposit "SIZE" along with the grade comes out at or around 100 million tons, then we should see some very positive movement...

So, our time will come. We just don't have the "hypsters" in our company doing the selling of our company with "hype" anymore. It seems that we have turned a corner and I hope we will be getting our hype from our deposit size from now on. This week? Probably not. By Christmas? "I" think that is doubtful. Next Spring??? That is MY timeline when I will be asking our company's officials what is going on here... IF gold maintains some kind of level around where it is today, I firmly believe that we will be fine.

All that being said, it sure would be nice to get that second drill out there spearing holes all over the property sooner than later :-}

God Bless all Golden Investors.


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