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Serbian Boron Project Update

Serbian Boron Project Update

4 Zones Intersected Totaling 34.9 Meters of High Grade Borates

Victoria, British Columbia CANADA, April 01, 2012 /FSC/ - Erin Ventures Inc. (EV - TSX Venture), announces continuing positive assay results from the next two drill holes from its Piskanja boron project in Serbia.

Result Highlights
Holes EVP2011-105 and 106 are in-fill holes designed to help establish a compliant resource estimate, sufficient to qualify for a mining license. These two holes returned some of the best results to date, intersecting the two known main borate beds containing high-grade borate as well as two additional layers of borates.

Hole #105 returned a total of 19.6 metres of high-grade borates in 4 layers, including a 8.7 metre intersection (the upper bed) averaging 37.7 percent B2O3, two mid-level mineralized zones of 1 and 3 metres respectively, averaging 41 percent B2O3, and a lower bed of 6.1 metres of 28.3 percent B2O3, including a 3.2 metre section of 34.9 percent B2O3.

Hole #106 intersected a total of 34.9 metres of high-grade borates in 4 distinct zones. The upper bed returned 5.9 metres of 44.4 percent B2O3. The second intersection returned 18.7 metres averaging 28.4 percent B2O3, including a 9 metre section of 39.9 percent B2O3. The third layer returned 4 metres of 42.7 percent B2O3. The lower bed returned 6.2 metres of 34.8 percent B2O3, including a 5.1 metre section averaging 40.5 percent B2O3.

These results continue to confirm the continuity of the upper and lower borate beds, with bed thicknesses varying from 2 to 6-plus metres. B2O3 values and bed thickness are proving to be consistent with historical drill results. The deposit remains open to the south and west, indicating a potential to expand the known mineralized zone.

A complete sample package from the next two drill holes (#107 and 108) is currently at SGS Canada Inc. for analysis, and the company awaits the results. Additionally, holes #109, 110 and 111 are complete, with cores being prepared for delivery to SGS in Lakefield Ontario. Drilling is progressing on schedule on holes #112, 113 and 114.

Chemical analyses are conducted as follows:
> Results are stated as a percentage concentration
> All measurements are metric
> Chemical analysis was conducted by the SGS Canada Inc in Lakefield, Ontario
> Analytical Methodology: standard chemical analysis using ICP mass spectrometer and X-ray Diffraction (Aqua Regia and KOH Fusion and/or Titration)
> Location: Piskanja Project, Baljevac, Serbia
> Sample type: HQ size diamond core drilling
> Azimuth/dip: vertical hole, 90 degree dip
> Sample interval is 0.5 metres


Hole ID Interval Thickness B2O3 %
EVP2011-105 118.7-133.75 8.75m 37.73 Average:
8.75m@37.73% B2O3
4.3m@44.68% B2O3
and 2.25m@43.27% B2O3

EVP2011-105 139.2-140.2 1m 41.69 Average:
1m@41.69% B2O3

EVP2011-105 143.1-143.9 0.8m 38.49 Average:
0.8m@38.49% B2O3

EVP2011-105 166.5-169.5 3m 41.08 Average:
3m@41.08% B2O3
2.3m@44.11% B2O3

EVP2011-105 229.7-235.8 6.1m 28.38 Average:
6.1m@28.38% B2O3
3.2m@34.93% B2O3

EVP2011-106 133.2-139.1 5.9m 44.4 Average:
5.9m@44.4% B2O3

EVP2011-106 162.8-181.5 18.7m 28.44 Average:
18.7m@28.44% B2O3
9m@39.95% B2O3

EVP2011-106 213.8-217.85 4.05m 42.75 Average:
4.05m@42.75% B2O3

EVP2011-106 290.2-296.8 6.25m 34.88 Average:
6.25m@34.88% B2O3
5.15m@40.58% B2O3


About Piskanja
Two recent studies, based upon 45 historical drill holes (15,400 metres of core and cuttings), estimate the historical resource at approximately 6.4 million tonnes with an average grade of 36 percent B2O3 per tonne. These reports classified the resource in a "B" and "C1" resource category (the Serbian equivalent of "measured" and "indicated", according to 43-101/CRIRSCO standards), and state the potential for the resource to exceed the current known size. This is a 'historical resource estimate' by definition, that does not comply with NI 43-101. Erin considers this estimate to be reliable partly because: it is based, in part, on work previously conducted by Erin itself; because it is based, in part, on work recently conducted (2006 to 2009) by Rio Tinto for which all relevant data including all drill core is available to Erin; and it is considered to be highly relevant to current operations. A Qualified Person has not done sufficient work to classify the estimate as current mineral resources or reserves. Erin is not treating this historical estimate as such, and the historical estimate should not be relied upon.

Lithology is typical of sedimentary basins, (primarily shales, marls and limestone) with two primary gently undulating borate beds. Mineralization is primarily dense, compact colemanite with some ulexite. The Piskanja deposit has the potential of hosting additional significant borate tonnage beyond the historical estimates, based on the ongoing compilation of assay data showing other zones of possible borate mineralization. A Qualified Person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as a current mineral resource. Erin is not treating the historical estimate as current mineral resources and the historical estimate should not be relied upon.

Piskanja is located in a historical mining region that has good infrastructure for mining including roads, rail, electric power, experienced miners, and support services. The site is approximately 250 km south of Belgrade, Serbia by good paved roads.

About boron

* Boron is a critically important industrial mineral. World production of boron minerals reached an estimated 4.5 million tons in 2010.

* Consumption of borates is expected to increase, spurred by strong demand in the Asian and South American agriculture, ceramic and glass markets.

* Borate minerals and refined borate products are used extensively worldwide in the manufacture of vitreous products such as fiberglass insulation, textile fiberglass, borosilicate glass (e.g. LCD screens), ceramic glazes and porcelain enamels. These applications account for approximately 60 percent of borate consumption, with detergents, fire retardants, metallurgy, agriculture, insecticides, wood preservatives and specialty products accounting for the remainder.
Source: US Geological Survey, Minerals Yearbook - Boron, 2010

* Market prices reflect both the relative scarcity of borates and strengthening demand, with current prices for new South American contracts reaching highs of: US$730/tonne for colemanite (40 percent B2O3); US$697/tonne for ulexite (40 percent B2O3); US$1309/tonne for boric acid.
Source: Industrial Minerals Online. Feb. 2012

* Due to healthy demand (particularly in Asia) and a tightening supply by 2013, boron prices are expected to increase by 40-45% by 2014-15
Source: Asian Ceramics, Feb. 2012

On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Blake Fallis, General Manager

The technical information in this release was prepared and approved by James E Wallis, M.Sc. (Eng), P. Eng., a consultant to the company, who is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

For further information, please contact:
Erin Ventures Inc.
Blake Fallis, General Manager
Phone: 1-250- 384-1999 or 1-888-289-3746

Erin's Public Quotations
Canada USA
TSX Venture: EV SEC 12G3-2(B) #82-4432
Berlin Stock Exchange: EKV

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward Looking Statements: This release contains forward looking statements. The words "believe," "expect," "feel," "plan," "anticipate," "project," "could," "should" and other similar expressions generally identify forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties including, without limitation, variations in estimated costs, the failure to discover or recover economic grades of minerals, and the inability to raise the funds necessary, changes in external market factors including commodity prices, and other risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from the results referred to in the forward-looking statements.
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