Eagle Hill Exploration Corporation

Targeting 1 million oz in mining/exploration-friendly Quebec High-grade & bulk tonnage Gold @ Windfall Property, Val d´Or: The ´Lost Treasure´ of Noront !

2012-11-15 10:10 ET - News Release

Mr. Brad Kitchen reports


Eagle Hill Exploration Corp. has released additional assay results from its current drill program at the Windfall Lake gold deposit in northwestern Quebec. These results are part of an ongoing drill program designed to expand the size of the mineral resource estimate released on July 25, 2012.

Near surface mineralization

Drilling on the Upper Extension of Zone 27 returned another significant gold interval assaying 21.02 g/t Au over 4.8 meters in drill hole EAG-12-430 at 105 meters below surface. This drill hole corresponds to infill drilling designed to confirm the local continuity of the near surface gold mineralization that is now known over a strike-length of more than 500 meters. This intersection consists of 2 to 20 percent pyrite in a typical sulphide stockwork containing tourmaline, and associated with a porphyry dyke. The Zone 27 - Upper extension represents the faulted off portion of Zone 27, and is located to the northwest of a narrow fault splitting Zone 27 into two zones near the surface. Drill hole EAG-12-430 also intersected Zone 27 on the south side of the fault that returned 4.23 g/t Au over 3.6 meters at 160 meters below surface.

"This new shallow drill hole demonstrates that the near surface gold mineralization is consistent and shows good lateral continuity," stated Brad Kitchen, President and Chief Executive Officer of Eagle Hill Exploration. "Eagle Hill is waiting for winter conditions to commence its permitted ice drilling on shallow lakes to the west and in the vicinity of section 2500 to expand the size of the near surface mineral resource of the Windfall Lake gold deposit. This mineralization should be easily accessed from the existing ramp."

Caribou Zone and Mink Zone

Additional drilling testing the eastern extension of the Caribou Zone returned an intercept of 8.62 g/t Au over 5.5 meters in drill hole EAG-12-427. This intercept is included in a broader interval assaying 3.42 g/t Au over 19.4 meters. Together, this intercept, and the intercept of 4.75 g/t Au over 3.4 meters published on November 6, 2012, confirms both an eastern and an at depth extension of the Caribou zone.

The same drill hole intersected several high grade intervals in the immediate hanging wall of the Mink zone with 37.0 g/t Au over 0.7 meters and 13.25 g/t Au over 0.9 m. The Mink zone itself assayed 9.68 g/t Au over 1.1 meters at about 535 meters below surface.

The gold mineralized zones defined to date at Windfall Lake cover a lateral extension of more than 725 meters and include, from South to North, the Caribou South zone, the Caribou zone, the Mink zone, Zone 27 South, Zone 27, the Mallard zone, and the Mallard North zone. All the zones are near vertical and vary in thickness between 2 meters and 35 meters. In addition to the near surface gold mineralization present at Windfall, recent drilling has demonstrated that mineralized zones that occur below the Red Dog intrusion continue to a depth of 770 meters below the surface with intercepts such as 8.9 g/t Au over 14.0 meters, 5.5 g/t Au over 15.0 meters, and 24.46 g/t Au over 7.4 meters (March 1, 2012 and November 6, 2012 press releases).

A map of the Windfall Lake property outlining the location of the gold zones, drill holes and areas of potential expansion, together with cross-sections, a longitudinal section and pictures of core showing the mineralization style have been posted on Eagle Hill's website, www.eaglehillexploration.com/sections.

The table shows the most significant assay results discussed in this press release.

number              From         To  Assay

EAG-12-426         71.00      72.00  297 g/t Au over
                                     1.0 m
                  589.60     609.00  3.42 g/t Au over
                                     19.4 m
            incl. 598.50     604.00  8.62 g/t Au over
                                     5.5 m
            incl. 599.30     600.10  36.3 g/t Au over
                                     0.8 m
            incl. 601.30     601.70  12.3 g/t Au over
                                     0.4 m
EAG12-427         616.50     617.00  7.49 g/t Au over
                                     0.5 m
                  702.70     703.40  37.0 g/t Au over
                                     0.7 m
                  714.10     715.00  13.25 g/t Au over
                                     0.9 m
                  717.60     718.30  6.94 g/t Au over
                                     0.7 m
                  720.20     721.30  9.68 g/t Au over
                                     1.1 m
                  125.00     126.00  5.31 g/t Au over
                                     1.0 m
EAG-12-428        144.90     145.20  152 g/t Au over
                                     0.3 m
                  116.00     118.20  6.66 g/t Au over
                                     2.2 m
EAG-12-429        347.90     348.20  15.65 g/t Au over
                                     0.3 m
                  132.40     137.20  21.02 g/t Au over
                                     4.8 m
            incl. 133.10     134.10  79.8 g/t Au over
                                     1.0 m
            incl. 136.50     137.20  15.85 g/t Au over
                                     0.7 m
EAG-12-430        198.70     202.30  4.23 g/t Au over
                                     3.6 m
            incl. 198.70     199.60  10.9 g/t Au over
                                     0.9 m
            incl. 201.60     202.30  7.13 g/t Au over
                                     0.7 m
                  153.00     154.60  8.14 g/t Au over
                                     1.6 m
EAG-12-431        461.00     462.00  4.91 g/t Au over
                                     1.0 m
EAG-12-432         11.70      12.10  5.25 g/t Au over
                                     0.4 m

The true widths are interpreted to be approximately 70 percent of reported 
width. The other drill holes of this sequence not presented in this table 
returned only anomalous gold values or have assay results pending.

Gold analyses reported in this release were performed by standard fire assay using a 30-gram charge with atomic absorption finish and a gravimetric finish for assays greater than 10 grams per tonne and by metallic sieve method for samples containing significant amounts of pyrite or visible gold. All assays were performed by ALS Chemex Laboratory Group, in Val d'Or, Que. Sampling and analytical procedures are subject to a comprehensive quality assurance and quality control program. The QA-QC program includes duplicate samples, blanks and analytical standards.

Jean-Philippe Desrochers, PhD, PGeo, is a qualified person registered in Quebec as defined by NI-43-101 and has reviewed the technical information that this press release contains.

About the Windfall Lake Property

The Windfall Lake Property is comprised of 362 contiguous claims (over 12,000 hectares) in the Abitibi mineralized belt of northern Quebec. This area between Val-d'Or and Chibougamau is known for its gold and copper production and excellent infrastructure for exploration and mining. Historically, the Windfall Lake Property has had extensive grassroots exploration work. Along with its independently acquired claims at the Windfall Lake Property, Eagle Hill has also signed options with Murgor Resources Inc., Cliffs Natural Resources Inc. (formerly, Freewest Resources Canada Inc.), and Noront Resources Inc. to acquire the Windfall Lake Property. During July 2012, the Company received its second mineral resource estimate, the results of which are displayed in the table below:

                        Quantity     Grade Gold     Contained Gold
                    ('000 tonnes)          (g/t)           (ounces)

Indicated                  1,665          10.05            538,000
Inferred                   2,906           8.76            822,000

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