Eagle Hill Exploration Corporation

Targeting 1 million oz in mining/exploration-friendly Quebec High-grade & bulk tonnage Gold @ Windfall Property, Val d´Or: The ´Lost Treasure´ of Noront !
in response to bananaboy's message


I first invested back in the Richard Nemis days, when NOT and FWR and MRG owned these claims....back when Noront hit the bonanza grade gold...I believe it was like 52 oz/ton over about 5 meters.

The decision was made to build a ramp down to this area and in doing so passed through some areas where some decent results were obtained as well....with a cost of about 20 million. Some deals were worked out with FWR and MRG as portions of the ramp would pass through their claims as well. The cost was to be recovered when they reached the area of bonanza grade gold.

In the process of building the ramp, several occurances of visable gold were encountered and results were announced with respect to the FWR/MRG claims. But, then....when it came time to announce results in the area of the bonanza grade gold....all of a sudden...the property gets optioned off to EAG.

Other things were going on at the same time as FWR had been taken over by Cliffs and a proxy battle occured within NOT which caused Richard Nemis to effectively get the boot, while a slew of bankers took over the company.

In the end....the ramp was built....no results were ever published with respect to the area which was to contain the bonanza grade gold....EAG went on a completely different path and hardly ever mentions anything about those bonanza grades that were previously discovered....

What ever happened with all that dirt that was removed while crating this ramp? Did it ever get tested? In the process of testing this dirt...through bulk sampleing....was any money ever made recovering oz or 100's of oz or 1000's of oz of gold? Or...is all this pay dirt just sitting in piles somewhere....waiting for a particular event to occur? Or...did some bankers just walk away with all this gold that was apparently sitting there? Or...was the bananza grade discovery proven not to exist in the first place?

We are now several years later....I am invested here and still at NOT.....still watching....still no answers after all this time.....or was there? Did I miss something?

Is there anyone here that could help to clear this up?

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