Duran Ventures Inc.

<font color="#666666">Precious Metal Exploration</font> <b><font color="#000000"><font size="3">Focused on exploration and advancement of mineral projects in Peru</font></color></b>

This blog on Drv was posted yesterday. An interesting read while we wait for results. For additional information on some of his other blog companies you can follow the link below. I am only posting the Drv and related companies info. APM is another company that is connected to Jeff Reader.

DRV, APM, ALYI, OXIHF, NDX, BRX, Good Things to Come

I’m sorry for the tardiness re this blog. I wanted to consolidate a decent amount of DD and it took a lot longer to gel than is usual. As well, there was some blood in the streets since my last blog, making for a great time to be a buyer.

Please note: I blog about these companies because I feel I have something to add re DD. It does not mean I support all of them. For the record, I really like and own the DRV, APM and ALYI, I believe the OXIHF is a collection effort (and own it) - and I don’t hold any NDX or BRX (and don’t plan to).

Ok, now for the blog:


I still see DRV as quite undervalued and am dead sure they are going to have a great 2011. I think it is a great buy at the current price and hasn’t yet made the gains I feel it should have had after the drilling announcement.

Scotia and other institutions have had days where they’ve bought with both hands. This jibes with the many opinions I’ve been getting on the Street that DRV will be going a lot higher.

The money to drill has been there since December, the permits are now in place (they are good for the next 2 years) and we are going to see results. I will be very excited when assays from Aguila start rolling in. Past posts and Jimrockford Blogs have shown what copper mines in this area are valued at - and my DD tells me that Duran has an excellent project and a good shot at success.

Duran came off a bit before this latest run, but not on much volume. I think that on a micro level, the amount of time it took to get the permits didn’t help the SP. That, though, IMHO, was just a process issue - ie. there are a lot of companies wanting permits and only so many government people to do the admin work. I also feel that on a macro level that the markets in general were obviously making it tougher for most companies - but DRV is now doing well (today’s trading excepted).

If you haven’t read the Analyst Report done on DRV by Steve Parsons of Wellington West Capital Markets, you really should. Here’s the link:


Some points re the Wellington West DRV Report:

- The report looks very good, but no 12-month target is given, IMHO, because it is the first one.

- 20 km of drilling is planned for 2011, with a 43-101 maiden resource estimate planned for Q4.

- Page 5’s Exhibit 3 is very telling - and is titled:

“Exhibit 3: Duran’s Drilling To-Date Compares Favourably With Other Peruvian Copper Porphyries Such as Candente, Antares and Norsemont”

- Page 15 is an eye-opener and is titled:

“Exhibit 18: Peñoles Camp Pictured on the Neighbouring Site (Located on the Southern Boundary of Duran’s Claim Block); Peñoles is Reportedly Drilling 60,000 m There this Year”

Needless to say, the Penoles camp in the picture is very large and 60,000 m is a LOT of drilling.

- Page 16 is important and is titled:

“Appendix B – Historic Drill Results for Duran, Candente and Antares
Exhibit 20: Duran Ventures’ Prior Drilling at Aguila Stacks Up Well with Established Peruvian Copper Porphyry Projects Such as Canariaco, Haquira West, and Constancia”

Some more points re the DRV:

- I like that with Reeder moving up from President to Chairman on Amerix (APM on the TSX-V), he now spends the good majority of his time on Duran.

- With the Aguila now underway, I’d say the Ichuna will be drilled at some point.

- Note that the Ichuna Property was staked by DRV management before the Canahuire gold deposit was found (already 5.6 million oz of a gold deposit has been defined). The Canahuire discovery is owned by Goldfields and Bueneventura and they think very, very highly of it - as my past blogs have shown.

- Duran has added strong new properties to their land positions.

- The Corongo is advancing well.

- IMHO, the Minasnoic Property is a real wild card. I will be happy when DRV does something with it - ie. either drill it themselves, get a significant JV for it, or spin it out. If they drill it themselves, it may take a nice SP bump for them to set it up. The pros I talk to feel this could be a very good gold property. As we doubt it costs DRV much to keep, the pros and I hope to see advancement on this property before long.

DRV is in great shape, IMHO, and will be in an even stronger position by the time the first results come out.


I am feeling great about the APM. IMHO, it’s a buy - and the bids are huge. In fact, I spent last week trying to add a very good number to my position before the consolidation and had a very hard time picking up even a fraction of what I was looking for.

Amerix, IMHO, is the rare stock that comes out of a consolidation with strength. IMHO, APM now has the right structure and things will be put in place to have the maximum success. As well, IMHO, it is beyond a doubt that APM can now get any monies they need to move forward.

Some points:

- Robert Crombie, the new independent director, is a good man with a strong mining and finance background. The current President of Crystallex, Crombie is a merchant banker very well-respected by both pros and institutions.

- Add Crombie’s presence to that of Brunelle, Reeder, Dan Noone, Borges and Whitehead, and it makes for a heavyweight BOD. For a micro-cap/junior company with a tiny $12.27 million market cap, this is an unusual occurrence. It says one thing, though: these guys are here because they feel the company has a title shot.

- There will be less than 45 million shares post-consolidation. IMHO, this is the sweet spot that management sees as being good for the stock. It is in the institutions’ wheelhouse re shares outstanding, volume and possible financings.

- Look at the DRV financing: The financing was a $7 million bought deal (my DD says it was all institutional) that was said by most to have been done much too low. Yet it ran from the 13 cent financing to 42 cents on tens of millions of shares in volume. DRV took almost 3 months to announce drilling, and now, even later, the stock trades near the 40 cent range with good volume.

I am excited that APM has passed the consolidation hurdle so impressively, and, IMHO, they are going to have a very strong year fundamentally.


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