Crystallex International

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in response to ifeelyellow's message

Gold should be our immediate priority

By: Oscar Heck | Monday, 05/01/2015 8:15 a.m.| Print

Today, for the first time I read a story in Aporrea where cite some "expert" or "analyst" or "professional oil" or something, a person called Fernando Travieso. Normally when I see is an "analyst" or some "expert" I do not read the article because the vast majority of these "experts" are expressed with the slightest creativity and with almost no simplicity, or do not know to associate the theoretical with the real daily reality of the poor of the world (the vast majority), and generally living in a bubble of academia or incestuous unions in which only they and their "allies of the trade" to masturbate intellectually engaged and so mount the steps of the "colonial legacies deserved." No know what I mean, but what I mean here, specifically, is that what I understood you said or expressed Fernando Travieso, I found very creative and successful. It's the first time I hear from the mouth of an "expert" ( Venezuelan?) a creative solution to the economic problem and the currency in Venezuela. The vast majority of "analysts" and "experts" do not know what they say, just pretend to be "important" but recite loraderas that almost nobody understands (or themselves), that's all. According to the article in Aporrea Fernando Travieso he said: "" Venezuela is the second largest gold reserve in the world, though some say it is the first over South Africa, and is able to produce ingots that are stored in the Central Bank of Venezuela, "reiterated . However, he explained that it is necessary that the gold produced in the country is refined in specially designed to reach 99.9 purity levels, and is internationally certified ... and believes essential to increase international reserves in gold, as a priority . to leverage the Venezuelan currency " See: Now, as I never trust any information that I could confirm, started looking for information on "Venezuela is the second largest gold reserve world, "and I found that there appears to be that information. That does not mean it's not true, no, we have the experience that "Venezuela is a banana republic that has large reserves of anything," ie, the truth was hidden on the real reserves of oil and minerals in Venezuela because large international companies did not want anyone to know in order to exploit to the maximum. To them were always a string of Indians and assholes monkeys but with exquisite females. But today we know that Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world. I remember when I was trying to get information on mineral mines in Canada, specifically uranium, which could not get the information directly because it had to be a member recommended and "approved "a guild of operators and had to pay a fortune as a member and get that information, that is, there was and is still (I'm sure) a lot of information that goes hidden and in the hands of very few people. Then, about what they said Fernando Travieso on the Venezuelan gold, found two web sites provide information about gold, and there is Venezuela, not as one of the largest producers of gold (because it is not), but it appears as an important country in relation to gold. But ... do not say anything about potential gold deposits in

Then I thought, "Well, if I can not find the information on stocks or gold deposits exploited in Venezuela, then I will look to see if I can find few foreign mining companies in Venezuela, that at least give me an idea of how much gold could be found in our Venezuelan soil. " Among other things, I found the following (I translate immediately): "There are Dozens of junior Canadian mining and exploration companies in Venezuela, however it two of the biggest foreign-owned gold companies are Canadian . Most famous of These is Toronto-based Crystallex, lowest (previously) owned the the massive Las Cristinas mine, one of the largest gold deposits in South America. " TRANSLATION: "There are dozens of young Canadians companies that explore and exploit gold in Venezuela and two of the largest companies (gold) Foreign (in Venezuela) are Canadians. The most famous is the company Crystallex, based in Toronto, who owned the massive Las Cristinas mine, one of the largest deposits of South America ". See: Venezuela-vs-canadian-gold / 8015

So I say, it is possible and even probable, that what he said Fernando Travieso that Venezuela has one of the largest deposits (or reserves) of gold in the world, it is true. I say this because if it were false, there would many foreign companies looking for gold in Venezuela, it would be for them a big waste of time and money. The capitalists who know what they do not spend money on precarious adventures or speculation, do their homework thoroughly before proceeding. Ok, now I wanna say is that Fernando Travieso seems to have given directly into the perfect spot to solve the issue of the economy and the Venezuelan currency, which would translate into an overall solution to almost every problem in the country. It's like changing the diseased heart to a person for a new heart --- the body (Venezuelan society) is the same, but the body that drives the body is new (gold), e replaces the old sick (oil). But ... I was very surprised that in Venezuela, apparently, not the gold is refined. Those would be something truly absurd: a country with so much gold, but let foreign firms gold bearing to be refined (and resold) abroad, where following that refining, gold acquires tax / bank / etc value., which could very simply refining in Venezuela in order to be recognized international bank level as tax collateral against the value of the Venezuelan currency. That is The Venezuelan currency does not depend more on financial speculation dollar-based role-toilet gringo. I think Fernando Travieso is absolutely right. And I think we should move, and fast, and make gold the backbone of our economy because, as we have all seen, when they want the US and its lackeys, they have the ability and cunning enough to force oil prices down to try to destroy, while the gold, I say, they never will play. I think that any effort to try to adjust and adapt our financial / economic / monetary situation based on a bolivar that obviously depends on speculation against the gringo dollar is a waste of energy. It is clear that no effort has been made in the last two years of economic sabotage has been successful, and that's the truth. So far, it seems obvious that gold should be our immediate priority.

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