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(VIDEO) Fernando Travieso: Venezuela should produce and refine their own gold to leverage your currency

By: Venezolana de Televisión (VTV) | Sunday, 04/01/2015 7:02 a.m.| Print

You need to leverage international reserves based on gold, the country has the second largest gold reserve in the world.

Credit: VTV

January 4, 2015.- "Russia and China are accumulating gold reserves because we will, sooner or later, high or low, to a new system where the value of the currency is subject to their own strength in gold having their central banks "said Fernando Travieso Saturday, international analyst and Venezuelan oil expert. Interviewed on Information Bureau, which transmits VTV, Travieso said that the US and Canada are destroying the world oil price with the practice of fracking, producing and flooding the world with oil shale, because they no longer have oil reserves in their countries, and desperately need the control of other national reserves to avoid bankruptcy of their own companies. reported that international agencies estimate that production of shale oil that will last until 2020. "But the plan is to keep prices low for a period of time to allow them to control oil reserves, without their production systems are destroyed." He said the fracking method is the total destruction of nature "And I I dare say that the US and Canada are the major destrtuctores environment in the 21st century. " "They are able to mess up the oil market provided that control reserves. If you do not get reserves, large companies go bankrupt, the first time in history! "He exclaimed. He showed and explained the graphic OPEC official statistics ( where production levels are shown and oil reserves in the world. Invited to explore this privileged information provided because OPEC is evidence that Venezuela is the largest oil reserve in the world. "There are other things that are not oil. The Canadian oil sands are not classified as reserves of oil, "he said, comparing the crude Orinoco Belt can be classified even as future production. "The goal is Venezuela. Our country is the oil reservoir of the planet, and as the great analysts, PDVSA is broken. Imagínates you! " The international expert, stressed the need to leverage international reserves (in dollars) of Venezuela based on gold, which is after oil, the world's most coveted item. "The conflicts revolve around oil, and then for control of gold, "he said. "Venezuela is the second largest gold reserve in the world, though some say it is the first on South Africa, and is able to produce ingots that are stored in the Central Bank of Venezuela "he reiterated. However, explained the need for the gold produced in the country is refined in specially designed to reach 99.9 purity, and is internationally certified plants. Travieso felt that no matter what the system government that has in Venezuela, if privatization we would hand in hand with US interests and never the problems of Economic Warfare and media sabotage that currently exist would be presented. "But if nationalist conflicts." "We are the objective and USA we clearly says "he warned about the intentions of American imperial interests in controlling the natural resources of Venezuela. He considered successful the guidelines presented President Maduro in its economic recovery program 2015, and believes essential to increase international reserves in gold as a priority task to leverage the Venezuelan currency.

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Venezolana de Television ( )

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