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Shepherd Medina and Ecological Movimiento denounces contamination of the Orinoco River
Section - Political
Writing by Wilitza Valdivieso Rosemary. Photos: Francisco González
Tuesday, 08 of March of 2011 03:43

The opposition leaders initiated their intervention when coming out, doing reference of the union leader Rubén González, to whom the past Friday was emitted him a ticket of conditional freedom on the part of the Supreme Court of Justicia (TSJ). Medina shepherd, applauded the freedom of González and assured that this is a right decision, because this union leader did not commit any type of crimes and from their point of view, was always persecuted by political interests.

“We want to show our satisfaction by the resolution of the conflict of the union leader of Ferrominera Orinoco (FMO) Rubén González, that the past Friday left in conditional freedom. We consider that this was a sensible decision, that demonstrates that this person never had to be jailed and who always she depended on the decisions of the Government and his civil servants”.

Irregularities in the judicial power

Medina shepherd, emphasized that Rubén González always was victim of the abuses and the irregularities of the judicial power, that from its point of view, showed “her true face the Venezuelans”.

“The judicial power in the country does not work, because what it took control of Rubén González it does not have justificatory some. The judicial power in the country works like an independent power that depends on the decisions of president Hugo Chavez.

When an institution or organ become employee from the whims of the national agent chief executive, vices are created that they prevent to make right decisions in some procedure or which had process. As it happened with the case of Rubén González, where their human rights even forced and article 49 of the Constitution of the Bolivariana Republic of Venezuela.

The schools of right of the country, must observe with preoccupation all the uncontrol that exists in the decisions and in the procedures that take I finish to the Supreme Court of Justice and the different judges from the country, whom have been designated not by their performance, but by the political ideology and the decisions of president Hugo Chavez”.

There were no people in charge

Medina, made reference to the conflict generated in the company CVG Alcasa that lasted a little more than 30 days and where “there was no type of guilty”. It assured that this case was equal or “worse” than the problems faced by Rubén González in company CVG Ferrominera Orinoco. Nevertheless “nobody is judged, much less jailed”.

“We are not asking that limits the freedom of the people, the unique thing who we are demanding is that all the conflicts generated in Alcasa for more have been investigated than one week, where also had lost and where the access of the workers to the plant was prevented”.

Problematic environmental

Medina shepherd, emphasized some declarations done by the governor Francisco Rangel Go'mez, where she affirmed that she will make fulfill each one of the words written in the measures taken by the Supreme Court of Justice, where they prevent the activities of rustic automobiles in the parks and natural spaces of the region.

She said that besides the contamination, in the specific case of the community of Acapulco, they are being victims of the operation of a company that is “extracting sand” and that to a long term will bring about the collapse of the zone. She made responsible to the governor Francisco Rangel Go'mez because he went the one who granted the concession to this company of name Gravian CA so that she carried out his activities in that zone.

“I am totally in agreement with what has been said by the regional agent chief executive, the question is; what is going to happen with the tons of fuel that fell to the River Orinoco and Caroní, through a boat that was beached a little ago more a month. This yes represents a true problem for the ecosystem of Guayana and for the communities that are to borders of these rivers, because they take the contaminated water and they consume soon them”.

National and international organisms

It emphasized Medina, that all the information that they have collected until now, are being filed in a document that will even present/display before the competent national organisms and until international instances so that they establish the referring responsibilities to this case of contamination of the rivers Orinoco and Caroní.

“We will arrive with this denunciation to where it is necessary, because it is not justified that in spite of all the problems of contamination that has generated this fuel spill. The Governor and no of the authorities of the organization it is had sharp around this case.

The past Saturday the regional agent chief executive announced that he took care of the spaces of the parks and the Great Savannah, but does not make mention to the suffering of the families who live to the borders of the rivers and that at the moment are being victims of this black spot that occupies a great space in the rivers and that has ended even the fish and the marine species of our atmosphere”.

Contamination of the rivers

The representatives of the Ecological Movement, assured that they were more than 15 tons of toxic fuels and oils that fell to the rivers Orinoco and Caroní. They emphasized that besides the community of Acapulco, Amacuro Delta and other zones they are being affected because they take waters from these affluents for his daily consumption.

“We will continue investigating the true causes and the true people in charge of this fuel spill in our rivers. This case is not going to be unpunished, because we have received several denunciations of people who began to present/display stomach diseases and in the skin because of this contamination of one of the most important rivers of the world and that not yet it has been taken into account by the authorities”. Miguel Rivas of the Ecological Movement said.

Medina shepherd and members of the Ecological Movement affirm that the contamination of the Orinoco River is serious

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